On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 9:01 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What the Rossi experiments has shown over many years is that LENR in a
lattice is not workable because the reaction cannot be controlled. This
lack of control makes the E-Cat technology untenable. Rossi has realized
this and Rossi is will to let this knowhow fadeaway. The LENR reaction
wants to operate at the boiling point of the metal lattice (nickel) which
is 3000K. LENR is based on activation of nanoparticles in a dusty plasma.
Rossi has struggled to control the LENR reaction at low temperatures but he
always fails because LENR would invariably get to 3000K and meltdown his
reactor. So Rossi finally decided to use reactor structural material that
doesn't melt at 3000K. This material must be an insulator that does not
melt at 3000K. Mills has stumbled on the same reaction and his SunCell runs
at the vapor point of silver at only 2200C. Mills has solved the meltdown
problem is another way, he justs runs everything as a liquid without any
containment. Holmlid is on to the same LENR mechanism. There is nothing
unusual with metalized hydrogen. In the LENR reaction, metalized hydrogen
acts like any other metallic nanoparticle.
> Using a lattice for LENR is a losing proposition. The dusty plasma
approach to the LENR reaction is the only way to go. I beleive that Rossi
has settled on a high temperature  tube material that works: boron nitride,
a transparent isolator whose melting point is 3000C.

First I've read this (because I barely follow this e-List). Let us hope the
issue is exactly this. But it begs another one: we don't KNOW these things
for sure, *because some/most/all of the actors involved ARE HIDING THESE
FACTS FROM THE PUBLIC*. Because: possibility of huge financial pay-off at
the end of all this Sturm-und-drang for *some* people (them). Also because,
alongside the loot, comes eternal glory for one or a small number of
self-interested individuals...

Point being: this is not Science. This is 'corporate research' : AFAIC the
very bane of Science and the scientific method.
Not to mention being entirely egotistical and anti-democratic.

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