On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Che wrote
> People here sneer at the likes of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial
> Project.. but say what you will: its very OPEN [Source] nature is what
> *will* at least keep it out of the grubby clutches of moneyed-interests.
> Not so - no one here that I am aware of - sneers at MFMP. Or if they do -
> they are misguided.

Well they have. Right here. Recently.

Just the opposite - in fact, a version of "open-source" is the way of the
> future for LENR... but it needs refinement. For instance, patents can be a
> necessary evil - if only to keep patent trolls from jumping in and
> obtaining one first.

Patents are 'necessary', like locks on your doors are necessary. There was
a time in the past when door-locks were UN-necessary -- and there will come
again a time where they will become a relic of our barbaric Past (Present).
I prefer to focus positively, on the contents of the house.

> The main thing needed for continuing cash flow for the research is the
> promise of some kind of future reward for the funder. It is easily possible
> to merge capitalism and optimized R&D into a mutually acceptable package.

NO. The FOSS software Movement is proof enuff that monetary reward is NOT
the main, essential motivation for the creative process -- whatever paid
propagandists continually and relentlessly say (and whatever particular
details don't really match my claim). However, money *does indeed* become a
crucial issue, when a chronic lack of resources poses an obstacle to
further creative effort (and in fact, the ruling-class *consciously*
starves society generally, of resources -- in order to maintain _precisely_
this sort of control over us). Even now, the heroic 'cool' days of Silicon
Valley (more myth, than anything) are essentially over: and the usual
corporate interests _assert_ those interests more and more, in computer
technology. They DO want a ROI.

However, that 'cool' model of 'hip', enlightened, Yuppie investors does not
appear to work in such a chance-y field as cold fusion research. Too much
'up-front' risk, right?

We require a steady, *public* -- OPEN -- source of funding: and should
commensurately be demanding the public OPEN release of any and all
scientific theoretical and research findings.

> In short, it is possible to "keep it out of the grubby clutches of
> moneyed-interests" and at the same time provide a decent return on
> investment in a vehicle for continuing R&D funding -- which does not demand
> that the inventor has to subsidize his own efforts.
> The end result can be win-win, whereas a complete abdication of IP is not
> going to be as efficient. In fact, it is brain-dead in the era of patent
> trolls. I think MFMP realizes this dynamic.

This is pie-in-the-sky, AFAIC. The World does not work this way. Or not for
long, anyway. Mixing in 'patent trolls' at the end here is only obfuscating
the issue: the primacy, Über Alles, of 'private property', in our barbaric
times -- and its crushing effect upon true 'innovation'.

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