The gamma ray finding of MFMP was replicated within 48 hours by Hans
Biberian.   And then they just faded away onto whatever it is they've
been doing for 4 years.

On 7/10/17, Che <> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 8:03 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:
>> I think the key is to just find nuclear products when you throw hydrogen
> and nickel together.   There is no chemical reaction that is supposed to
> lead to nuclear products.   3 years ago, MFMP found gamma rays and then
> just blithely started chasing ghosts.
> To keep such a risky public research project on-course would require that
> it constantly allow for the democratic, 'Open Source' equivalent of 'peer
> review'.
> I seems perhaps this component is what the MFMP is missing. Perhaps not. I
> barely follow this stuff, sadly.
> But I DO know political-economy more than most.
> More than Jed, for sure.

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