
You nailed my thought process.

Look at the dots: and make logical connections with  PRACTICAL scheme for 
testing.  This is IMHO the crux of R&D.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Che<>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2017 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project just uploaded a video

On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 2:57 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:
TWO ideas about noble gases and fuel preparation:

  1.  Being inert, they can be used in combination with H or D to diffuse into 
a metallic lattice  and cause mico-cracking   with creation of LENR active 
sites with large internal surface areas for formation of SSP’s.
  2.  Repeated cycling, gassing and degassing,  would allow measurement of 
increased number of mico-cavities until a desired density is established.   
Careful measurement of the volume of gas that diffuses in and out with each 
cycle would be instructive in this regard.  A mass spectrometer to determine 
ratios of the diffusing gases and knowledge of their diffusion rates in the 
fuel should provide additional information regarding the status of micro-cavity 
density in the fuel.

A nano-particle fracture mechanics analysis may be warranted to determine 
desirable pressure and temperatures during cycling/fuel preparation.  
Brittle-ductile transition temperature of the metallic fuel lattice would help 
determine appropriate lower temperatures for cycling, since brittle fractures 
with 1 or 2 dimensional characteristics may be a desirable LENR geometry for 
SSP’s.  Acoustic emission   monitoring of the fuel cycling would aid in 
determination of fracturing occurring during cycling at various temperatures, 
pressures and noble gases being used.  (Cavities that are too big  may be bad 
for LENR+.

Bob Cook
First it starts with the by-chance, haphazard nano-fracking.
Then follows the sophisticated, calculated, systematic nano-tek build-system...

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