The latest theory is that entanglement keeps spacetime together.
Entanglement is fundamental.  All other aspects of spacetime come from
entanglement. In order for entanglement to exist, two things must be
entangled. When a particle is created, it must be paired with an
antiparticle so that a connection between them is formed...entanglement
must be created.  All particle pairs must be connected by a wormhole. The
wormhole is the mechanism that keeps spacetime together.

We can manipulate the forces of nature, weak, strong, EMF, gravity by using
entanglement, since those "fundamental" forces come from(aka emerge)
entanglement and all the properties of spacetime emerge from entanglement.

This idea has just come to Leonard Susskind and is explained here:

Dear Qubitzers, GR=QM
Leonard Susskind
(Submitted on 10 Aug 2017)

Also, here is how wormholes work

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 3:12 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>

> Vorts,
> Perusing some physics news, and thought you’d b interested in this:
> universe-quarks-quantum-physics-big-bang-nothing-god
> Some excerpts:
> The new findings seem to break the classical physics law of the
> Conservation of Energy – that energy can neither be created nor destroyed –
> showing that new energy can appear within a closed system from nowhere.
> These Quantum physicists first theorised, then proved, that particles
> simply pop into existence, usually in pairs, from absolutely nowhere.
> Nobel prize winner Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology, who specialises is quantum chromodynamics, the theory that
> describes how quarks behave deep within atomic nuclei, has found that the
> universe simply doesn’t like a state of nothingness.
> -mark iverson

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