Monogamy of entanglement

'''Monogamy ''' is one of the most fundamental properties of entanglement
and can, in its extremal form, be expressed as follows: *If two qubits A
and B are maximally quantumly correlated they cannot be correlated at all
with a third qubit C.* In general, there is a trade-off between the amount
of entanglement between qubits A and B and the same qubit A and qubit C.
This is mathematically expressed by the *Coffman-Kundu-Wootters (CKW)
monogamy inequality*

*In other words, to create entanglement during particle creation as a
unbreakable rule of the way the universe works, two particles are required.*

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> In a universe where all points must be connected, a pair is a topological
> requirement. In a system where all endpoints must be connected then every
> connection must have at least two endpoints.
> At the beginning of the big bang, Computational complexity was at its
> minimum and quantum entanglement was at its maximum. The entire universe
> was completely entangled, it was a bose condensate. This was the time when
> all the forces were combined in a grand unification to operated as a single
> force. As the universe expanded and cooled, entanglement decreased and
> Computational complexity increased. The four fundamental forces began to
> diverge and the running coupling constants of those fundamental forces also
> began to diverge.
> When spacetime returns to the entangled state that the universe was
> initially in, the fundamental forces return to the way that they were at
> the beginning of the big bang and the single global fundamental force is
> reestablished.
> In this restored state of spacetime simplicity, the LENR reaction is
> manifest.
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 2:38 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>
> wrote:
>> That doesn’t answer my question… it’s just regurgitating the
>> particle/antiparticle jargon.
>> -mark
>> *From:* Axil Axil []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:41 AM
>> *To:* vortex-l
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Why pairs?
>> The latest theory is that entanglement keeps spacetime together.
>> Entanglement is fundamental.  All other aspects of spacetime come from
>> entanglement. In order for entanglement to exist, two things must be
>> entangled. When a particle is created, it must be paired with an
>> antiparticle so that a connection between them is formed...entanglement
>> must be created.  All particle pairs must be connected by a wormhole. The
>> wormhole is the mechanism that keeps spacetime together.
>> We can manipulate the forces of nature, weak, strong, EMF, gravity by
>> using entanglement, since those "fundamental" forces come from(aka emerge)
>> entanglement and all the properties of spacetime emerge from entanglement.
>> This idea has just come to Leonard Susskind and is explained here:
>> Dear Qubitzers, GR=QM
>> Leonard Susskind
>> <>
>> *(Submitted on 10 Aug 2017)*
>> Also, here is how wormholes work
>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 3:12 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>
>> wrote:
>> Vorts,
>> Perusing some physics news, and thought you’d b interested in this:
>> universe-quarks-quantum-physics-big-bang-nothing-god
>> Some excerpts:
>> The new findings seem to break the classical physics law of the
>> Conservation of Energy – that energy can neither be created nor destroyed –
>> showing that new energy can appear within a closed system from nowhere.
>> These Quantum physicists first theorised, then proved, that particles
>> simply pop into existence, usually in pairs, from absolutely nowhere.
>> Nobel prize winner Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of
>> Technology, who specialises is quantum chromodynamics, the theory that
>> describes how quarks behave deep within atomic nuclei, has found that the
>> universe simply doesn’t like a state of nothingness.
>> -mark iverson

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