IMHO strong magnetic fields varying at a given resonant   frequency  (like in a 
laser or gaser) have a good chance of causing a metastable isomer that  
fissions—gives up potential energy to kinetic energy of two or more new 
particles which may be unstable themselves.

This method of radioactive waste management is one of 7 or8 options listed in 
the DOE’s EIS for high level waste management at Hanford, issued in the late 
1970’s.  It was considered impractical since there was no open (not dark) 
laser/gaser technology available to produce the resonant magnetic/electric 
fields of sufficient intensity to penetrate the atomic electronic structure.

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker<>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fission of heavy nuclei under assymetric electron screening?

Hi Robin,

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:34 AM, 
<<>> wrote:

In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Sun, 17 Sep 2017 19:10:22 -0500:
Hi Eric,

While the concept is interesting, consider that it won't deliver excess energy
unless the original isotope is already radioactive. If it is, then you may have
a way of shortening the half life. How are you contemplating going about it?
(Plenty of radioactive substances around that many people would be only to happy
to pay you to take away. ;)

The hope was that if the idea had merit in the case of heavy nuclei that decay 
by spontaneous fission, it might also be applicable to heavy nuclei that are 
normally stable.  One thought about how to trigger the process: a strong 
magnetic field will shift the electron orbitals in a preferred direction; 
perhaps this will in turn set up a gradient of electron density along the 
preferred direction.


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