Jed Rothwell wrote:

> A nifty idea. See:
> - Jed

Carlo Rubbia originated the idea of the energy amplifier.
The paragraph below came from the link above.


"At the Bhaba Atomic Research Center near Kalpakkam, nuclear eggheads like
Anil Kakodkar have been noodling with thorium since 1995, and are currently
building a pilot plant to work the bugs out of Carlo Rubbia's design. If all
goes well, the reactor should begin producing continuous power by the end of
the decade, and should pave the way for nine commercial workhorses due to
come online between 2010 and 2020. If the scheme works‹and there's no
scientific reason why it shouldn't‹it could well pave the way for a global
migration to fission technology safe enough for urban areas and Third World
dictatorships. So, far from ignoring the problem or playing the politics of
half-measures, India is positioning itself for the realities of Kyoto and
the decline of fossil fuels, and plans to be a leader in 21st century energy
technology. I say, more power to 'em!"

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