What is this? gravity paper? where is it?
________________________________ From: JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 12:42 PM To: vortex-l@eskimo.com Subject: RE: [Vo]:Gravity helps overcome Coulomb barrier with 223 ev kineticenergy for H ion This is a local company to me - and I would be more excited about them if they weren’t more secretive and made more sense. They do have good credentials, but not so good as far as the theory of operation goes. Having a patent means nothing - and I’m not buying the two kinds of gravity concept. As I recall, Brad Lowe who lives in the area - got in touch with them a couple of years ago and offered his services - to more or less work for free, getting them to market - in order to get in on the ground floor. They appeared to be ready for a working PoC back then and it sounded like the “next big thing” … so this makes perfect sense. They declined his offer. Then they went completely silent. This and other similar anecdotes make me doubt that they really have anything of value…. Kinda like Brillouin on the other side of the Bay. Most likely, both groups have seen anomalous gain from time to time, but neither of the systems is reliable or reproducible by others. I would put Rossi in that same category.