But Holmlid get a high energy reaction from excitation from a very low
powered laser. A petawatt laser is extreme overkill.

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:30 AM, JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Here is Holmlid’s patent application -- which is easily amenable to
> hydrogen boron fusion
> https://www.google.com/patents/EP2680271A1?cl=en
> Imagine collecting the dense hydrogen on a substrate of boron, which then
> becomes the target for a laser pulse – or double pulse.
> Holmlid suggests the dense state can be manufactured and collected as an
> independent step. The ideal way to convert it in a second step would seem
> to be boron fusion.
> Holmlid would be wise to specifically add boron fusion to his application.
> Obviously if the new kind of “ponderomotive fusion” can be made to work
> with normal hydrogen, the dense state should even be better as a starting
> point…
> …unless of course the Hora suggestion is indeed making the dense hydrogen
> in the first pulse and reacting it in the second pulse.
> In that case, he should have credited Holmlid.
> A Billion Times Improvement In yield is indeed a game changer. A back door
> to boron-hydrogen fusion is found !
> This could be huge - really HUGE - in that it opens up a non-thermal
> compression route and a low loss method for fusion using fast laser pulses
> - which does not produce many neutrons.
> Hora is the lead author. Miley is included -- but Holmlid is not. That is
> curious.
> Hora and Holmlid have published jointly before, and this result explains
> some of Holmlid’s success. But it is of course not LENR but not
> thermonuclear either.
> Thanks to Brian Wang for finding this and also to Revolution Green. The
> comment by Simon is right-on but he is not as excited as I am.
> This could be the biggest thing in fusion since LENR yet they seem to be
> keeping their distance… probably wise.
> http://revolution-green.com/breakthroughs-make-commercial-
> laser-nuclear-fusion-billion-times-improvements-yield/

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