
Weyl-Kondo Semimetal in a Heavy Fermion System

I did not see where " deuterate palladium ecosystem" is found to be a

The materials used in the experiments for  Weyl-Kondo semimetal
were CeRu4Sn6 and Ce3Bi4Pd3.

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:47 AM, Russ <> wrote:

> In this new paper the Weyl-Kondo deuterate palladium ecosystem is seen to
> provide more than sufficient conditions for COLD FUSION to occur.
> weyl-kondo-quantum-semimetal-defines-deuterated-palladium/
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Friday, December 15, 2017 9:56 PM
> *To:* vortex-l <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Breakthroughs in Laser Fusion Gives Billion
> TimesImprovement In Yield
> IMHO, the muons come from hadronization of the energy stored by the
> metallic hydrogen. The energy transferred from hadron decay to the metallic
> hydrogen accumulates and is eventually converted to mesons. This energy
> storage mechanism might be disrupted through the destruction of the
> metallic hydrogen in a runtime cycle. Such an energy store release might be
> accomplished with the arc discharge to produce a magnetic field strong
> enough to release the energy stored by the metallic hydrogen before enough
> is accumulated to catalyze meson production.
> As another way,  a thick blanket of filbe could also convert the muons to
> heat.
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 4:08 PM, JonesBeene <> wrote:
> *From: *Axil Axil <>
>    - But Holmlid get a high energy reaction from excitation from a very
>    low powered laser. A petawatt laser is extreme overkill.
> Yes - but the problem with the Holmlid approach (if we take his claims at
> face value) is that the output energy is largely in the form of muons.
> There is no obvious way to capture muons efficiently since their decay
> will occur far away from the reactor. IOW it is hard to convert that kind
> of reaction into a usable form and it may be hard to scale. Perhaps that
> detail/problem (conversion) is what Holmlid is working on now. I would love
> to see his comments on this paper from Hora.
> In contrast, the boron fusion output is mostly energetic alpha particles,
> which can be thermalized easily or better yet, converted directly into
> electricity. Plus, there is some doubt about the identity of Holmlid’s
> copious muons and no replication has been published.
> If Holmlid were to modify his device for the proton-boron reaction, he
> could change a lot of skepticism into belief since it would be easier to
> measure the results, for one thing.
> Did you notice the mention of super heavy hydrogen in the Hora paper? That
> is most curious given the recent history of Hora and Holmlid working
> together. Is Hora referring to UDH?
> It may seem that Hora and Holmlid had some kind of falling-out since there
> is no mention of the earlier work and tons of references with no credits.
> More questions than answers, as of now.
> Here is Holmlid’s patent application -- which is easily amenable to
> hydrogen boron fusion
> Imagine collecting the dense hydrogen on a substrate of boron, which then
> becomes the target for a laser pulse – or double pulse.
> Holmlid suggests the dense state can be manufactured and collected as an
> independent step. The ideal way to convert it in a second step would seem
> to be boron fusion.
> Holmlid would be wise to specifically add boron fusion to his application.
> Obviously if the new kind of “ponderomotive fusion” can be made to work
> with normal hydrogen, the dense state should even be better as a starting
> point…
> …unless of course the Hora suggestion is indeed making the dense hydrogen
> in the first pulse and reacting it in the second pulse.
> In that case, he should have credited Holmlid.

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