yes  Simakin <>


   Do solar neutrinos affect nuclear decay on Earth?

   Neutrinos are away left handed particles.

   - Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope achieved by exposure of its
   aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation
   A.V. Simakin, <> G.A.
   Shafeev <>
   Dec 30 2011 physics.gen-ph <>
   0 <>

    PDF <>
   Experimental results are presented on laser-induced accelerated
   alpha-decay of Uranium-232 nuclei under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles
   in aqueous solutions of its salt. It is demonstrated that the decrease of
   alpha-activity strongly depends on the peak intensity of the laser
   radiation in the liquid and is highest at several terawatt per square
   centimeter. The decrease of alpha-activity of the exposed solutions is
   accompanied by the deviation of gamma-activities of daughter nuclides of
   Uranium-232 from their equilibrium values. Possible mechanisms of the laser
   influence on the alpha-activity are discussed on the basis of the
   amplification of the electric field of laser wave on metallic nanoparticles.
   - Deviation from secular equilibrium
   A.V. Simakin, <> G.A.
   Shafeev <>
   Jan 21 2010 physics.gen-ph <>
   nucl-ex <> arXiv:1001.3574v1
   0 <>

    PDF <>
   Laser exposure of gold nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of Uranium
   salt leads to accelerated decay of U238 nuclei and significant deviation
   from secular equilibrium. The samples demonstrate the enhanced gamma
   emission in the range of 54 keV during laser exposure.
   - Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au
   nanoparticles in the aqueous solution of Uranium salt
   A.V. Simakin, <> G.A.
   Shafeev <>
   Dec 01 2009 physics.gen-ph <>
   nucl-ex <> arXiv:0911.5495v1
   0 <>

    PDF <>
   Laser exposure of suspension of either gold or palladium nanoparticles
   in aqueous solutions of UO2Cl2 of natural isotope abundance was
   experimentally studied. Picosecond Nd:YAG lasers at peak power from 1011 to
   1013 W/cm2 at the wavelength of 1064 and 355 nm were used as well as a
   visible-range Cu vapor laser at peak power of 1010 W/cm2. The composition
   of colloidal solutions before and after laser exposure was analyzed using
   atomic absorption and gamma spectroscopy between 0.06 and 1 MeV range of
   photon energy. A real-time gamma-spectroscopy was used to characterize the
   kinetics of nuclear reactions during laser exposure. It was found that
   laser exposure initiated nuclear reactions involving both 238U and 235U
   nuclei via different channels in H2O and D2O. The influence of saturation
   of both the liquid and nanoparticles by gaseous H2 and D2 on the kinetics
   of nuclear transformations was found. Possible mechanisms of observed
   processes are discussed.
   - Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au
   nanoparticles in the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
   A.V. Simakin, <> G.A.
   Shafeev <>
   Jun 24 2009 physics.gen-ph <>
   nucl-ex <> arXiv:0906.4268v1
   0 <>

    PDF <>
   Initiation of nuclear reactions in Thorium nuclei is experimentally
   studied under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles suspended in the aqueous
   solution of Th(NO3)4 (232Th). It is found that the reaction pathway depends
   in which water, either H2O or D2O, the laser exposure is carried out.
   Saturation of the liquids (H2O or D2O) with gaseous H2 or D2, respectively,
   enhances the nuclear reactions under laser exposure allowing their
   excitation at peak intensity as low as 1010 W/cm2. Enhanced gamma-activity
   of the probe is observed after the end of laser exposure for several hours.

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 10:47 PM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
> Two so far.
> Perhaps you're referring in part to the Simakin and Shafeev paper, which
> you've called attention to before?
> This paper, of course, deals with laser irradiation, while the Barker
> patent discusses application of a high voltage using a Van de Graaff
> generator.  What are the two replications you're thinking of?
> Eric

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