1. Analysis of microscopic traces of MHER from bodies of revolution.

Experiments with bodies of revolution were carried out on a special
installation. The installation consisted of a collectorless high-speed
motor (up to 50,000 revolutions per minute) mounted on the table top,
engine power supply unit and remote control engine. On the axis of the
engine were mounted bodies of rotation of various materials, made in the
form of cones with a diameter of 20 mm and a height of 20 mm (photo 4).

A photo 4. *Rotational bodies of various materials* .

To ensure the safety of work around the engines with the bodies of
rotation, a protective casing is mounted, inside which, along the wall of
the casing (perpendicular to the bases of the cones) and above it
(perpendicular to the axis of rotation), photodetectors packed in opaque
bags were placed.

A series of experiments was carried out for the exposure of photodetectors
with the following rotation bodies: graphite, aluminum, titanium, copper,
bismuth, zirconium, iron, cadmium, lead. At the same time, light materials
(graphite, aluminum, titanium) rotated at speeds of about 40,000 rpm, heavy
ones - at least 15,000 rpm.

Exposure time for all bodies of rotation was 360 +/- 20 seconds. Temperature
at measurement: 25 0 С +/- 5 0 С. Comparative analysis was performed by
comparing microdamages at different areas of photodetectors:

- in the plane of the base of the rotating cones (about 35 mm from the
bottom of the photodetector);

- at different heights from the plane of the base of the cones;

- on the upper photodetector located perpendicular to the axis of rotation
of the cones.

Spiral traces.

On all photodetectors located perpendicular to the base of cones of bodies
of rotation, there are macroobjects in the form of rings, semirings and
spirals (hyperbolic and logarithmic spirals), which are located on the
entire surface of the negatives. The greatest concentration of objects is
observed in the central (vertically) parts of the negatives - about 2.5 -
7.5 cm from the bottom. On photodetectors located perpendicular to the axis
of rotation, there were no special differences from the control samples. In
Fig. 5, for example, the spirals selected by the operator, recorded by a
photo detector near the body of rotation from the iron, are shown.

Photo 5. *Spiral-shaped* *objects on the photodetector, exposed near the
body of rotation of iron (about 7 cm from the bottom, an increase of 64x)*

A clear pattern of the distribution of spiraling objects, applicable to all
bodies of rotation, was not revealed, because the distribution of objects
over the surface of negatives is not uniform, and on films with a low
emulsion concentration (light films), it is practically impossible to
consider objects (for example, films with a copper rotation body - Cu).

To make the quantitative analysis of spiral traces it was not possible for
the following reasons:

   - high labor intensity and subjective dependence of the identification
   of spiraling traces on the quality of training and health of the operator;
   - the nature and mechanisms of the appearance of spiral trails are
   unknown, so we can not yet determine the parameters by which the analysis
   should be performed;
   - the quality of photographs strongly depends on the quality of the
   developer, the film and the modes of manifestation, and therefore varies
   from batch to batch.

Table 1 describes the qualitative characteristics of the detected objects
on photodetectors located near different rotation bodies:

See more in the referenced document...

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:23 PM, Chris Zell <> wrote:

> Build it.   Simulations aren't enough.
> I do think there might be a way to use centrifugal force that hasn't been
> exploited yet, as with the Linevich patent.

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