Another article about the The EMC effect, but with more detail from MIT.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:50 PM Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  Axil,
> Yes, clearly dense hydrogen is necessary, and their IP does not limit the
> power going in to lasers. They have made a great effort to avoid reference
> to Mills version of dense hydrogen, but there is little doubt that patents
> will be contested if there is a commercial success.
> The company Norront Fusion Systems is very well funded and is using laser
> irradiation but does not want to broadcast that fact due to the IP which is
> already out there, mostly held by National labs in the US.  BTW this
> company Norront - in Norway, says that they have 3 operating reactors
> producing muons, now! For all we know they could be months away from a big
> announcement.
> Holmlid seems to be fond of exaggeration at times and has said several
> things he would probably like to take back or clarify, such as the muon
> effect happening with fluorescent lighting and other nonsense. This is one
> of the reasons that some physicists refuse to even consider the validity of
> his experiments. They will get a big surprise soon IMO.
> Now that Holmlid has gone full tilt commercial and has big money involved
> - almost nothing said can be believed, except details in the patent which
> if false would jeopardize the legal protection.
> Axil Axil wrote:
> Jones,
> You may be placing too much emphasis on the laser reaction mechanism with
> Ultra dense hydrogen here. Holmlid has found that the laser pulse can be
> replaced with a spark and that spark can still get the same reactions to
> occur as that low powered laser pulse can. The indispensable role that
> Ultra dense hydrogen plays in this quark confinement disruption reaction is
> to reformat the stimulant EMF energy into the proper strong force
> disruption format.

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