I am very interested in this from a molecular orbital basis.
What is a hole?  Is it just an unfilled molecular orbital?  Is it "where the 
electrons ain't"?

From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 3:23 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Superconductivity at temperatures around 77 degrees Fahrenheit

Hilmlid claims that his theory of Ultra dense hydrogen is based on the hole 
superconductor theory put forth by  J. E. 
 This theory is based to energy minimization and the theory of least action.


Why only hole conductors can be superconductors
J. E. 
(Submitted on 20 Mar 2017)
The conventional theory of superconductivity says that charge carriers in a 
metal that becomes superconducting can be either electrons or holes. I argue 
that this is incorrect. In order to satisfy conservation of mechanical momentum 
and of entropy of the universe in the superconductor to normal transition in 
the presence of a magnetic field it is necessary that the normal state charge 
carriers are holes. I will also review the empirical evidence in favor of the 
hypothesis that all superconductors are hole superconductors, and discuss the 
implications of this for the search for higher Tc   superconductors.


Another concept that might be in play in ultra dense hydrogen is nonequilibrium 
superconductivity through polaritons. Polaritons might take hold in the  
Bose-Fermi mixture formed by a cavity exciton-polariton condensate interacting 
with a two-dimensional electron system that forms on the surface of the ultra 
dense hydrogen electron cover layer.

In a nonequilibrium superconductor, the process of superconductivity is pumped 
through the input of energy like a laser and the maximum  temperature of 
formation of the  superconductor state is a function of the density  of 
polaritons in the polariton condensate and not from ambient temperature.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 9:10 AM Jones Beene 
<jone...@pacbell.net<mailto:jone...@pacbell.net>> wrote:
Here is another paper by the inventor Salvatore Pais.

Initially, this makes one wonder if either Dr Pais is an alien from an advanced 
civilization, a collection of Navy jokesters, or a nut-case deluxe. OTOH - the 
paper is just competent enough to be taken somewhat seriously, despite its lack 
of provenance.


I'm thinking that Pais could have been one of the aliens recovered at Roswell 
who has finally been allowed to go public...<g>... or ...

Think about the literal meaning of his name... not exactly MAGA but close and 
about as near to a spoof as the Navy could ever get at this high a level.


According to Keith Johnson's formalism, what is the highest Tc which is 
possible ?

Did he consider both Type-I and Type-II ?

Brian Ahern wrote:

> Keith Johnson retired from MIT in 1996. His formalism is known to a small 
> number of scientists.


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