A  yellow-green laser pulse  – according to Holmlid and replicated by Olafsson 
in Iceland and Zeiner-Gunderson in Norway – produces a large number of muons 
per pulse. They have performed sophisticated measurements to ascertain this.

The photons of the laser which provides the input for the Holmlid effect have  
an individual mass-energy of less than  one MeV. The Holmlid effect  only works 
if there is a “target” of dense hydrogen, so somehow the interaction of 
coherent low energy photons with dense hydrogen performs a  kind of magic. 
Input energy seems to be multiplied by a factor of a million to one.

No one knows the exact details of  how that initial laser energy is able  to be 
 multiplied to produce a massive number of muons but there could be a 
“backdoor” mechanism. The Holmlid effect output  represents s more net gain  
per nucleon than nuclear fusion.  One possibility to explain the situation is 
if  “flipping the charge of protons” (conjugation) is done without brute force. 
That is the premise of the previous post. 

Specifically, by applying low energy photons to dense hydrogen, antimatter is 
first produced by charge conjugation - which  antimatter then annihilates with 
matter, resulting in  the subatomic debris called “quark soup” which then 
decays to mostly muons which are relatively long lived.

Otherwise one needs brute force and a billion dollar particle accelerator  in 
order to produce the same flux of muons which is measured by Holmlid et al. 
Since muon decay produces mostly neutrinos the actual useful net energy of this 
complete reaction is not huge, despite the large amount of mass which is 

The best approach  for achieving  decent net gain is use the  muons to produce 
“muon catalyzed fusion” before they decay. In fact, Holmlid suggest that this 
is already what has been happening in cold fusion – and researchers never 
thought to look for muons – which were there.


Hi Robin

> In order to flip the charge, you probably need to add the difference in 
> energy,
i.e. 2 proton masses worth, or about 2 GeV.

It is very doubtful that the entire mass-energy of a proton is to be found in 
charge alone which is the implication of what you are saying. 

For instance, a neutron with no charge has about the same mass-energy as a 
charged proton. I suspect the energy needed to conjugate charge in the proton  
is about the same as the difference in mass between the neutron and proton. 

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