Philippe Hatt’s physical model for neucleons (potons and neutrons) and Bill 
Stubb’s evaluations of old and new high energy scattering experiments 
valadiating Hatt’s model are pertinent to explaining the disintegration of H 
into muons.  Muons appear to be quasi stable constitutents of nucleons when 
existing outside the a nucleon’s coherent system of primary 
particldes—electrons, positrons and neutrinos.

“Hidden in plain sight… as it were.”

Jones assessment is right on IMHO.

The role of neutrinos in a complete nucleon is not addressed  by Hatt’s model 
noted above, but may be pertinent in understanding nucleon stability when 
irradiated by a laser such as used by Holmlid in his experiments.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene <>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 11:19:47 AM
Subject: [Vo]:A backdoor to proton annihilation?

One of the big knocks about the Holmlid effect – where the claim is that 
is completely annihilated- showing up primarily as muons, which then decay (but
can catalyze fusion before decay) is the low input energy used by Holmlid.

This annihilation process is well known in beamlines at the big labs and 
requires a massive amount of energy to smash protons into “quark soup”…

Because of the disparity in applied energy – many experts think Holmlid is 

But wait…the problem here could be that the critics’ only tool is the beamline 
the geniuses have not carefully looked elsewhere. In fact, there could be 
way to approach annihilation – the antineutron. But where would  they coming 

Hidden in plain sight… as it were.

The following research confirms the theory that the antiproton is the exact 
image of the proton. There is absolutely no difference other than the charge 
has been
flipped. This is important for an alterative understanding of annihilation.

“Protons and antiprotons appear to be true mirror images”
Thus the question is this: can coherent photons of the correct energy and 
resonance flip
a proton into an antiproton by simply reversing the charge? Clearly the answer 
a backdoor to proton annihilation if Holmlid is correct.

Charge conjugation is a transformation that switches particles with their 
antiparticles, and it is well studied as C-symmetry. Sooner or later if the 
Holmlid effect
continues to be validated as Norront has done, the experts will realize that 
annihilation is simply the surprising result of charge-flipping following laser 
irradiation …

AT LOW ENERGY …and massive  input from a proton beam is not required.

The critics may end  looking like fools unless they jump onboard the Holmlid 
which is leaving the station soon. Next stop – Stockholm.

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