I don't beleive that superconductivity of hydrifes under high pressure
involves cooper pairing. There is research that shows that high pressure
hydrides and metals can retain their coherent quantum states up to a
temperature of 90,000 F. Such a coherent state at such high temperatures is
probably due to a non equilibrium Bose condensation process involving


Breakdown of Fermi degeneracy in the simplest liquid metal ( ULTRA DENSE


On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 6:49 PM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:
> > In contrast to QM SO(4) physics gives the exact relation of
> forces/energies of spin-paired electrons, what is the first step of
> condensation of matter below Bohr radius.
> Hi,
> If you have a minute - what is the exact relation that you mention? Is
> there a known binding energy for spin-paired electrons that is supported by
> this theory ?

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