Interesting that this patent for a hydino-based water splitter is NOT coming 
from Mills and was granted rapidly without the usual objections which would 
have arisen had it mentioned cold fusion or LENR. It also mentions "positive 
gain" which is the new code name for "overunity" which should probably be 

This granted patent should be a lesson to anyone contemplating filing - it is 
ok to mention hydrogen shrinkage or densification but not cold fusion - which 
apparently is still the kiss of death.

Patent US 9 994 450 and follow-on revisions.
"Method and apparatus for a low cost and carbon free point of use dissociation 
of water into elemental gases and production of hydrogen related power" 
assignee Evaco Energy, LLC inventors: Edward Cole and Jack Evans

  Abstract: Devices are provided for generating a plasma field for dissociating 
water into elemental hydrogen and water. The elemental hydrogen may be used 
directly to produce power, or may be stored for use as an energy source or as a 
commodity. The devices of the present invention can provide on site, point of 
use sources for producing elemental hydrogen. In addition, the devices can 
produce a net positive energy output. 

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