Unluckily I do not read E-cat world.


You are getting some pretty good “press” form several regulars on the E-Cat World blog.

But some electric Universe guys from south America do recommend my work.

The more I understand the details of SO(4) physics the better I can directly draw conclusions to the live that is showing up around us. The true fascination is the connection to Fibonacci and the golden ratio we already see in the proton-Hydrogen (1,1,2,3,5) wave structure.

Once people really understand how matter works they will laugh and joke about what nonsense the mad nuclear & particle physicists crowed produced for the last 100 years.

Within some years the courses about QED/QFT/QCD/LQCD... will only be taught in history classes...

But the establishment will try to keep the stake as long as possible because mental Eunuchs have no means to get a new income from their lost brains...

SO(4) physics is very demanding and I'm not the person to do it for the rest of my live. If people are willing to learn they should organize a workshop where we can discuss not only why SO(4) physics works. I can also explain in depth why all the old models fail or simply are not adequate.

All new models bring many new questions and people that join early will be the kings for the future - if they can contribute something important. Its a once in history time chance to bring real new knowledge into the field.

I was a first time supporter of Philippe H. as it is clear that we need all levels of abstraction to better understand how matter is built. Of course there is only one physics but there are many ways to tell/sketch the story.


Am 28.12.19 um 21:03 schrieb bobcook39...@hotmail.com:


You are getting some pretty good “press” form several regulars on the E-Cat World blog.

Also I noted that Springer publishers are changing their tune regarding publishing Norman Cook’s Book/theory regarding a nuclear structure.


See the comments  regarding the following post on ECW:

    “Video: How the Electric Universe Model Can Help LENR Overcome
  Problems (Edwin Kaal)”

It seems Springer no longer accepts new theory!!!!! And it  has decided NOT to publish Cook’s book any longer.  That’s tooooo bad.

IMHO the World needs a physical theory regarding nuclear

systems of matter to replace the empirical (mathematically inaccurate) model with many arbitrary constants, virtual particles and unreal singularities.

As I have noted in the past, W. Stubbs evaluation of high energy electron scattering experiments since the 1960’s validates a structure of clusters of electrons and positrons in protons (and neutrons).  P. Hatt’s assessments of nuclear structure with determination of various binding energies are also pertinent to the validation  provided by the scattering experiments.

Bob Cook

*From: *Jürg Wyttenbach <mailto:ju...@datamart.ch>
*Sent: *Monday, December 23, 2019 4:00 PM
*To: *vortex-l@eskimo.com <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Dense hydrogen may facilitate water splitting


There is only one nature and thus one physics. Mills created the name/concept Hydrino to circumvent the Santilli Patent. The precision of any Hydrino calculation is at best 1% as in all standard model guesses that are potential only models.

The SO(4) version of H*/D* is in very good agreement (495.8eV e bond as measured ) with hihly reliable Mills measurement of H*-H*. Holmlids UDH measurements are not precise and may be off by more than 30% due to cluster effects.

Further the SO(4) model explains the electron potential measured in:

Emission of highly excited electronic states of potassium from cryptomelane nanorods

P. Stelmachowski,a P. Legutko T. Jakubek P. Indyk a Z. Sojk a L. Holmlid b and A. Kotarb a, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS · SEPTEMBER 2015

This paper shows exactly how SO(4) spin matter behaves. The current name is Rydberg matter but effectively there are two forms. Normal Rydberg matter is just based on SO(4) electron-electron spin coupling - an SC effect, where as the induction of H*-H* leads to a change in the p-e potential that even can be seen at 500C. This is the best proof why LENR also at T > 500C works as it is based on the the only deep orbit Hydrogen that has a sound physical model.

Holmlid still references the Winterberg model for UDH, which is based on 2 fringe assumptions .. but still fewer than SM...


Am 23.12.19 um 18:14 schrieb bobcook39...@hotmail.com <mailto:bobcook39...@hotmail.com>:


    An environment with lots of neutrino and positrons may be required
    for nucleon production, since these primary entities are
    apparently  needed in nucleons for stability.  I think their
    magnetic dipoles are key attractive forces to facilitate the
    necessary stability.

    Bob Cook

    Bob Cook

    *From: *Andrew Meulenberg <mailto:mules...@gmail.com>
    *Sent: *Monday, December 23, 2019 7:21 AM
    *To: *VORTEX <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
    *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Dense hydrogen may facilitate water splitting


    You have raised an interesting point. In comparing the
    sub-atom-sized hydrino with the nuclear-sized femto-H, we might
    see growth (to a steady-state) of "compact" molecules and of
    heavier nuclei (via nucleo-synthesis) in a non-stellar
    environment. I think that there is room for both species to exist
    and to "hide" in the terrestrial environment.


    On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 9:32 AM JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net
    <mailto:jone...@pacbell.net>> wrote:

        Sent from Mail
        <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

        *From: *Andrew Meulenberg <mailto:mules...@gmail.com>

          * I am presently writing a paper on the transition from a
            femto-H atom to a neutron (as a proton with an occupied
            deeper-electron orbit), so my responding to your comments
            has been useful in my thinking. Thank you.


        Another related topic to this is the ubiquitous nature of
        hydronium, and whether dense hydrogen can be a natural
        component of our oceans..

        At any given moment in all the worlds oceans, water is
        technically not H2O but instead  consists of a known
        percentage of hydronium, even though the pH of the ocean
        itself is alkaline. This should not be possible in theory
        since the alkalinity should cancel out the positive charge

        One wonders if Mills conception of “hydrino hydride” or a
        version of it - would explain this situation since hydronium
        in the form of a stable anion would be both dense and charged
        with greater than expected lifetime as an ion in solution.
        This also offers and explanation of where all the hydrinos
        (which are made in the solar corona and transported to earth
        via the solar wind) accumulate.


Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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