One more question regards  the existence of the magnetic lines.  Does the theory identify a cause for the lines between events?  Regarding this question, application of the Biot-Savart Law of classical EM theory is used in SO(4) physics, is it not?

You (I needed it too.. ) will need quite a long "learning phase to"/understand how a magnetic field propagates in SO(4). Already to visualize the Clifford torus single sided surface that is 4D needs some deep minding. In fact you must be able to see two things based on the flux change (induction) law. A change in magnetic flux flowing through an area induces an electric field what is equivalent to separated charge (current). Second all such induced charge again interacts with magnetic flux in all!! adjacent dimensions. As soon as a magnetic flux lines leaves the optimal (SO(4) symmetric) orbit additional charge is generated what compensates the movement and classically is known as strong force. The main difficulty is to see/understand that the 5^th rotation induced by the charge coupling leads to a topology that fully encloses the magnetic flux inside a closed trajectory what finally results in a "static" condition between amount of charge and radius of Biot-Savart coupling. The Biot-Savart operator (coupling) is restricted to 3 dimensions what explains why the "center" of mass must be a Clifford torus surface as the force is always orthogonal to the surface and "flux tubes" do run along the surface. For the modelling I used projections to the real torus.

  You seem to say that the lines propagate in 3-D space at the speed of light  as in classical/relativistic theory, but are associated with a Clifford torus, which “starting at the source, what typically is a harmonic moving charge.”  It seems that you suggest that  that the rotating torus surface is itself a dimension and influences all points in 3-D space (which you call “free space.”)   I may be inferring too much?

The classic real (Minkovski) space ends at the De Broglie radius of (particle-) mass. Below this radius classic physics by definition no longer works as this is also the horizon of uncertainty given by the measurement symmetry when using E/B fields. SO(4) treats everything below De Broglie radius. Light speed is the wrong concept for dense mass as only the frequency allows to make a connection to energy. The wave packets, classically the phase, can propagate at least at 64c according to the latest experiments. My guess was that the maximum speed of light inside dense mass is given by the power of 2 of the maximal possible rotations times the group measure.

Is there any free space that is not influenced by the magnetic lines?

I too would like to understand the real reason (only mass?) why & when virtual charge is generated (that is influenced by magnetic lines) . Obviously there exist only a few basic topologies (e,p, relativistic muon ) that are long time stable and produce "visible" charge. E.g. the charge inside a photon cannot be seen externally, but as soon as it enters dense mass the photon may couple over an SO(4) orbit (see Holmlid), besides being "classically" absorbed.

Does the concept of “cause and effect” apply to the mapping you   discuss?

The cause/effect currently is restricted to Maxwell laws. The current model is not perturbative for all coupling dimensions. To understand e.g. radioactive decay (cause/effect) we must be able to add small perturbations to combined "many body" SO(4) orbits. I would say that we just opened the door to a new view on the real inner part of our world. The next steps will need far more time an brain power!

Please also keep in mind that this is just one more step in the direction of understanding the basics of nature. Whether mass is just a wave node of e.g. a perturbation in the ( more complex) background (ether) is an other story.


Am 13.01.20 um 21:37 schrieb


Thanks for those additional comments.  I would guess that those folks not familiar with the nature of the SO(4) 6 dimensions will have some of the questions I sent along.

One more question regards  the existence of the magnetic lines.  Does the theory identify a cause for the lines between events?  Regarding this question, application of the Biot-Savart Law of classical EM theory is used in SO(4) physics, is it not?

  You seem to say that the lines propagate in 3-D space at the speed of light  as in classical/relativistic theory, but are associated with a Clifford torus, which “starting at the source, what typically is a harmonic moving charge.”  It seems that you suggest that  that the rotating torus surface is itself a dimension and influences all points in 3-D space (which you call “free space.”)   I may be inferring too much?

Is there any free space that is not influenced by the magnetic lines?

Does the concept of “cause and effect” apply to the mapping you   discuss?


I have started to read reference 8 concerning the Biot-Savart operator.  It appears to apply to SO(4) physics.  However it does appear that the math of reference 8 assumes a continuous vector function  that would address angular momentum.  In my humble opinion angular momentum is quantized at h/2pi in the real world where the Biot-Savant operator is applied per the assumption of reference 8.  (h is Planck’s constant.)

I also conclude that the magnetic flux of SO(4) physics is quantized in order to explain real quantum changes in a system’s angular momentum.  I.e., the “spinors” should be predicted to exist  in discrete quanta.

Bob Cook

*From: *Jürg Wyttenbach <>
*Sent: *Monday, January 13, 2020 3:30 AM
*To: * <>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:SO(4) Physics

Am 13.01.20 um 05:40 schrieb <>:


    I am continuing to study your papers regarding SO(4) physics.  The
    latest is your item on ResearchGate  “Nuclear & Particle Physics
    version 2.0 < SO(4) physics > Main achievements” of September, 2019.

    Some questions and comments follow:

     1. In the introduction and throughout the detailed sections you
        refer to rotations of a something.  It seems that the rotating
        entity is a real charge of a certain magnitude relative to
        classical physical constants.  Is  this what the SO(4)
        modeling assumes?

The natural trajectory of EM-flux (= magnetic field lines) in SO(4) is a complex 2,3,5 or 8 fold rotation. A EM flux that spans the full Clifford torus surface (Moves through all 16 hyper quadrants) needs to do 8 360 degree full rotations. In free space EM-flux (= magnetic field lines) travel outwards (radial), at light speed, starting at the source, what typically is a harmonic moving charge. In dense space the EM flux orbits are closed "loops" what I call rotation. This is pretty much what you call spinors in classic theory but with one more dimension.

As EM flux is equivalent to energy flux = mass it also follows mechanical laws for mass. In each rotation dimension mechanical rotation energy is stored. This can be directly seen in the magic nucleus 28-Si that has the second torus rigid momentum (=7/4, in body rotation) proportion added to the protons 9/8 diameter axial rotation. (Always seen as a projection to classic space! ) ( Also seen in 56/84 symmetric! nucleons)

Be aware that EM-flux alone is "mass less" or virtual mass only. Real mass is generated on Biot-Savart coupling, but we know that the nucleus only works with such coupling and thus it is OK to use the term mass.

     2. Also in the introduction you indicate: “ A uniform time axis
        is a mathematical trick that allows us to model events that
        change the relation between an old and a new state in a
        regular fashion. But from the more fundamental information
        theory we know that there is no global time and we can only
        model phenomena that are based on a partial order of events.” 
        I would infer that time is a virtual concept—not a real
        dimension.  Is this a correct inference?

Time is of course a virtual concept and works fine for classic problems. Anybody that would like to have a basic proof for the impossibility of a global time axes (communication between entities, also called stopping/halting problem) should read basic information theory.

     3. The Introduction refers to various references for background
        theory and other references are made throughout the paper.  A
        list of references is desirable.

The literature reference is after the theory, before the LENR part end of chpt. 10. Sorry I just added the LENR part.... I poste it below!

     4. The NPP2.0 seems to include 3 real space dimensions and up to
        3 more dimensions.  Are  these additional  dimensions
        described by a continuous numerical scale or an eigenvalue or
        finite element space dimension or some other measure?

SO(4) has 6 dimension O(4) (Euklids 4 rotations) is the center symmetry part given by the geometry of the Clifford torus (2 sided 8 rotations). The tricky part is to understand that the whole torus itself can have one more rotation, what is responsible for the virtual charge that binds all nuclear EM flux.

     5. Most of the constants NPP2.0 includes involve time and
        distance.  If time is not a global dimension, then it seems
        the constants are nothing more than virtual (not real) ideas.


We all stay in "real" space and can only do measurements in real space. Thus all calculations/experiments we can do must be performed or mapped to real space. Such mappings are tricky as the group measure for one radius is 2^1/2 . Even more complicated is the understanding/distinction between real and virtual mass.

A change in reference frame usually includes 2 radial dimensions what gives a factor of 2. If e.g an electron (= charge mass) moves from the "chemical" orbit to the nucleus then the virtual charge mass is 2 times larger, what reduces the effective= real charge mass.

There is not all info in the summary as in reality I should write a book. The full rotation matrix is in fact in one of the first versions... Also the quite interesting classic! virtual deuterium model can be found there. Not even to mention the gamma ray calculations.


[1] B.I. Ivlev Conversion of zero point energy into high-energy photons

Instituto de F ́ısica, Universidad Auto ́noma de San Luis Potos ́ı, San Luis Potos ́ı, 78000 Mexico, Revista Mexicana de F ́ısica *62 *(2016) 83–88

[2] Lipinski WO2014189799 united gravity about LiP (H*) fusion.

[3] Leonardo Chiatti, Quantum Jumps and Electrodynamical Description

[4] 2016: Mills, Randell L., The GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of CLASSICAL QUANTUM MECHANICS;ISBN 978-0-9635171-5-9 (2016) online.

[5] T. Schenkel*, 1, A. Persaud1, H. Wang1, P. A. Seidl1, R. MacFadyen1, C. Nelson1, W. L. Waldron1, J.-L. Vay1, G. Deblonde2, B. Wen3, Y.-M. Chiang3, B. P. MacLeod4, and Q. Ji1, Investigation of light ion fusion reactions with plasma discharges;


[6] J.A.Wyttenbach NPP 2.1, researchgate, (2018, online),

[7] Leif Holmlid, Emission spectroscopy of IR laser-induced processes in ultra-dense deuterium D(0): Rotational transitions in D(0) with spin values s 1⁄4 2, 3 and 4,


[10] Gertrud E. Konrad Measurement of the Proton Recoil Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay with the Spectrometer aSPECT: Study of Systematic Effects ; Phd Thesis. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz (2011) (page 18)











    *From: *Jürg Wyttenbach <>
    *Sent: *Wednesday, January 8, 2020 12:31 PM
    *To: * <>
    *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Mystery Hiding Inside Every Atom

    The quark picture of SM is bare nonsense as nobody ever could
    measure a mass of any quark better than two bits what is nothing.
    Quarks are not particles rather resonances of a complex wave
    ensemble that forms e.g. the proton. All reasoning using standard
    model is a dead end as even the math is provable incomplete - not
    able to correctly handle a three body problem.

    The article you reference already in the first sentence presents
    provable nonsense, as we know today that a proton & neutron is not
    bound by the strong force. This only starts after 4-He! and only
    holds for the nuclear core mass.

    I recommend to read into the SO(4) model :

    The structure of the nucleus is much more complex than SM thinks
    and on the other side much simpler to handle if you understand the
    correct physics behind mass. SO(4) physics gives the correct
    internal structure of a proton/neutron and shows how you e.g. get
    the correct gamma lines of 6-Li a simple enough nucleus. (This is
    not in the summary!)


    Am 08.01.20 um 18:14 schrieb H LV:

        There's a Giant Mystery Hiding Inside Every Atom in the Universe

        By Rafi Letzter - Staff Writer

        No one really knows what happens inside an atom. But two
        competing groups of scientists think they've figured it out.
        And both are racing to prove that their own vision is correct.

        Here's what we know for sure: Electrons whiz around "orbitals"
        in an atom's outer shell. Then there's a whole lot of empty
        space. And then, right in the center of that space, there's a
        tiny nucleus — a dense knot of protons and neutrons that give
        the atom most of its mass. Those protons and neutrons cluster
        together, bound by what's called the strong force. And the
        numbers of those protons and neutrons determine whether the
        atom is iron or oxygen or xenon, and whether it's radioactive
        or stable.

        Still, no one knows how those protons and neutrons (together
        known as nucleons) behave inside an atom. Outside an atom,
        protons and neutrons have definite sizes and shapes. Each of
        them is made up of three smaller particles called quarks, and
        the interactions between those quarks are so intense that no
        external force should be able to deform them, not even the
        powerful forces between particles in a nucleus. But for
        decades, researchers have known that the theory is in some way
        wrong. Experiments have shown that, inside a nucleus, protons
        and neutrons appear much larger than they should be.
        Physicists have developed two competing theories that try to
        explain that weird mismatch, and the proponents of each are
        quite certain the other is incorrect. Both camps agree,
        however, that whatever the correct answer is, it must come
        from a field beyond their own....

    Jürg Wyttenbach


    8910 Affoltern a.A.

    044 760 14 18

    079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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