I like it.
Now imagine all that future you envision having been precision orchestrated in 
the year 2020 by an AI which few humans knew about...


    On Monday, April 20, 2020, 12:36:14 PM PDT, AlanG <a...@magicsound.us> 
   View the current state of the world as a dystopian science-fiction book in 
progress. The plot line going forward: there was no easy cure found, an 
effective vaccine for example. Looking back from 50 years or so, we see carbon 
emission was reduced by 70%, world population reduced by 50% and globalization 
essentially ended by strict quarantine of most goods and people, with travel 
more than 100 km prohibited without special need. But creativity and VR-enabled 
social interaction flourish, and the advance of science continues unabated. 
Consumption-based capitalism is a thing of the past, replaced by careful 
management of resources and universal education in sustainability.
 I'm not asserting this as a personal philosophy, merely an exploration of 
what-if. But the future sure ain't what it used to be. 
 Don't Panic!

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