UVGI uses 254 nm...readily available.



On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 10:21 PM Jonathan Berry <jonathanberry3...@gmail.com>

> The harm from the virus is significant and lasting for many even if it
> does not kill.
> Also Corona viruses, well there has never been a successful vaccine for a
> corona virus and immunity seems not to be lasting.
> Indeed about a 3rd of those who have had it seem not to have notable
> levels of antibodies.
> So herd immunity is really untenable, it needs to be stopped, not easy,
> but the only way it's not just going to keep on hitting humanity again and
> again with what seem to be at the most optimistic to be a roughly 1%
> fatality rate.
> I have found two US manufacturers of 222nm bulbs, not sure though that
> either have enough output.
> Good to know it's krypton chloride, wasn't aware.
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 04:35, Michael Foster <mf...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> This is a really good idea. Fortunately, the U.S. can supply its own
>> krypton. 222 nm lamps are krypton chloride excimer bulbs. Maybe we can wise
>> up and make the lamps in the United States. I doubt that any are made here
>> now.  I know this sounds ridiculous at the moment, but what if a baseball
>> cap could be made with a small excimer lamp on the under side of the bill.
>> This certainly isn't impossible what with all the really compact high
>> voltage supplies that are made now. I doubt if making large numbers of
>> excimer bulbs would have much of an effect on the price of krypton as
>> rather large amounts are used in double pane windows at near atmospheric
>> pressure. The krypton chloride bulbs, conversely, use small amounts a low
>> pressure.
>> OTOH, all of this prevention simply delays people being exposed to the
>> virus and thus delaying the herd immunity. The original premise of this
>> absurd lock down was to "flatten the curve" and prevent hospitals from
>> being overwhelmed. This exercise in totalitarian despotism was based on
>> faulty computer models like most of our predictions of doom lately. The
>> overall death rate in the U.S. is down somewhat from previous years,
>> meaning that the people who supposedly succumbed to the Wuhan virus would
>> probably have died of something else in the same time period. Given the
>> practice of reporting deaths of the elderly as from covid19 whether or not
>> that was the known cause no doubt inflates the numbers substantially.
>> Influenza deaths will probably exceed the deaths caused by the corona
>> virus this year. This is just a guess on my part, probably more accurate
>> that the latest computer models. But we all just love to panic don't we?
>>  On Saturday, April 18, 2020, 11:10:48 PM UTC, Jonathan Berry <
>> jonathanberry3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  You are sort of missing the point though!
>> The point is that 222nm UVC light kills the virus (however ironic that
>> might be with HV corona emitting UV) and this 222nm UV is safe, not harmful!
>> It doesn't even get through to live skin cells or even through the water
>> film on your eye.
>> But it destroys the virus in the air and on surfaces.
>> On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 08:41, Jürg Wyttenbach <ju...@datamart.ch> wrote:
>>  Very good new from California.
>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/04/17/1000113/up-to-4-of-silicon-valley-already-infected-with-coronavirus/
>>  only 1 out of 50 infected does get
>>  symptoms!!!
>>  Fairly consistent
>>  research results showing increased rate of leukemias near high
>>  voltage transmission lines but little evidence low frequency EMR
>>  can cause it.
>>  You should not live to close to such
>>  transmission lines due to high magnetic fields.
>>  Leukemia (in
>>  children) is also slightly increased in a radius up to 20 miles
>>  from a nuclear plant.
>>  J.W.
>>  Am 18.04.20 um 21:17 schrieb ChemE
>>  Stewart:
>>  Damp conditions, dew buildup, pollution and
>>  damage to insulators/lines all reduce the local breakdown
>>  voltage.  The strong electric field is ionizing N2 and O2 in
>>  the air and producing ozone and NOx which by themselves are
>>  not healthy long term. The ionization is also releasing broad
>>  spectrum electromagnetic pollution from high frequency UVc
>>  down to low frequency radio noise. It is most likely the high
>>  frequency UV range doing the cellular damage over time nearby.
>>  Fairly consistent research results showing
>>  increased rate of leukemias near high voltage transmission lines
>>  but little evidence low frequency EMR can cause it.  I expect it
>>  is the high frequency UV spectrum and it is dependent upon local
>>  weather and line conditions.
>> https://www.webmd.com/cancer/lymphoma/news/20050602/child-leukemia-again-linked-to-power-lines
>>  If special UVc cameras are detecting the radiation
>>  that implies it is reaching the lens/ground & biology
>>  https://youtu.be/NsSXjFMHIuU
>>  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8727300
>>  On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 2:11
>>  PM bobcook39...@hotmail.com <bobcook39...@hotmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>> I
>>  had a friend who lived for 30 years with high
>>  voltage transmission lines  at the edge of his
>>  property in Spokane County.  He died about 6 or 7
>>  years ago from two separate cancers.  His son who
>>  lived with him in his home  (30 years his junior)
>>  also died of cancer within a month of his father.
>>  All the cancers were of different types.
>> My
>>  friend would comment how the lines would
>>  crackle
>>  in humid conditions.  I always assumed it was steam
>>  explosions of small water droplets.
>> Thus
>>  a strange noise associated with transmission lines
>>  may also deter the movement of large animals.
>> Bob
>>  Cook
>> Sent from
>>  Mail for Windows 10
>> From:
>>  ChemE
>>  Stewart
>>  Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 6:23 AM
>>  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
>>  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Solution to the Pandemic!
>>  And the next one...
>> Time elapse UV emissions from
>>  high voltage transmission lines.
>> https://www.ultravioletphotography.com/content/index.php/topic/763-power-lines-in-uv/
>> Broad spectrum UV light
>>  pollution is a common occurrence on exposed high
>>  voltage systems and unhealthy long term to biology
>>  at much of the UVA,UVB and UVC range
>> Fortunately it only occurs when
>>  air is damp, pollution builds up on
>>  lines/insulators, insulators/lines are
>>  cracked/damaged, or bird crap...which is much of
>>  the time
>> Scares the shit out of reindeer
>>  also and has led to Santa re-routing delivery
>>  routes.
>> https://slate.com/technology/2014/03/power-lines-and-animals-flashing-uv-light-scares-reindeer.html
>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 7:34
>>  AM Jonathan Berry <jonathanberry3...@gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>> Solution, 222nm UVC light
>>  to sterilize the air, surfaces, skin, masks,
>>  clothing in supermarkets, on the street,
>>  everywhere!
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U4DAQ3kjRs
>> --
>> Jürg Wyttenbach
>> Bifangstr.22
>> 8910 Affoltern a.A.
>> 044 760 14 18
>> 079 246 36 06

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