
“OBFUSCUTION” is the name of the game these days, I’m sorry to say.  The 
Nordskies are no exception.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Orchestrated Objective Reduction

Just to clarify - Norront is not exactly a hot fusion company. Their website 
gives that impression and it may be intentional.

In one version they have licensed the discovery of Holmlid of an efficient way 
to produce muons. They have other processes as well - which look more like cold 

The "cheap muons" can be used in one of the oldest "proven" versions of hot 
fusion, which is muon catalyzed fusion. This version works on a small scale 
geometry and does not require the expense of plasma magnetic confinement 
although it could provide an enormous boost to say a Tokamak (or to ICF).

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