In reply to  Terry Blanton's message of Tue, 16 Jun 2020 23:04:48 -0400:
>Sorry, Donk.  

"donk" is Dutch for a low hill or rise in the ground. The Spaan means Spanish. 
"van" is "from".

So if an insult was intended, none taken. :)

>Just my sick, cynical humor that no one gets.  I've been
>waiting decades on 3 things, a cold fusion generator, any working
>commercial device from Randell and aliens to land on the White House lawn.

Me too. :) However I doubt aliens would land on the Whitehouse lawn, they know 
they would be shot down. Also, why should
they show favoritism by singling out the USA for the honor?
If I were in their shoes, I would probably choose Switzerland, which has an 
enviable record of staying out of wars.
(Besides being neutral is much more profitable. ;)

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