There are a number of news stories like this coming in the last week. Everyone 
seems to copying everyone else in the reports... blind leading the blind, as 
they say.

If you read this in the context of old postings here - there is a bit of 
synchronicity. This relates to a strong intergalactic signal showing up at 
around 3.5 keV. Out of sight, out of mind.
The present researchers also suggest "tritium contamination" which rises almost 
to the level of stupidity given the circumstances.

Years ago, hundreds of postings here on vortex tried to make some sense out of 
the news of x-ray spectra and dark matter from dozens of efforts. Our slant was 
towards dense hydrogen being the culprit. Anyway, in the world of astrophysics, 
there has beenĀ  recognized to be a soft x-ray signal associated with emissions 
from the center of hundreds of galaxies, showing up at around 3.5-3.6 keV and 
no obvious origin. Dark matter was one possibility, also neutrinos. The LENR 
crowd has suggested an alternative in dense hydrogen.

Curiously with the new work using underground detectors instead of satellites, 
and pure xenon, the oldĀ  coincidental similarity in mass-energy, is hardly 
mentioned. Maybe I missed it or maybe it takes a while to sink in. The fit to 
the new data is not exact, but close.

Specialization is killing science in some ways. If you were looking for an 
imaginary particle - an axion, then apparently the similarity with anything 
else from the past is overlooked. Tritium decay is a ridiculous afterthought.

Go figure.

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