Looks like your angle is radiative cooling. 

Plus, speaking of angles - the full kinetic energy of the particles would not 
be transferred to the titanium.

H LV wrote:  
 The ship would need some way to stay to cool. Harry
Robin wrote:

According to wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_medium) the 
density of matter in between stars in the
galaxy is about 1E6 molecules / cm^3. We make the assumption that all of it is 
molecular Hydrogen.

A space ship traveling at half the speed of light would encounter these 
molecules traveling in the opposite direction at
that velocity. Assuming that the kinetic energy of these particles is 
calculated using 1/2 m*v^2 (it's actually more at
that speed), then the power associated with the impact on the hull of the ship 
is about 1/2 MW /cm^2.
If we further assume that the hull is made of 1/2 cm thick Titanium, then it 
will reach it's melting point after an
exposure of 4 milliseconds.

It's going to be very short trip. ;)


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