Hi Harry, interesting thought...

The film camera isn't a pattern contributor toward Moire interference patterns, but it does have a random granularity in the photo emulsion.

Could the 'freaky patterns' that are created by overlaying random dots, linked below, qualify as your "sampling device" to produce interference, as you mentioned below?


My amateur compulsion stumbled onto a Moire interference pattern of Newton's rings simulated in POVRay ray-trace model do some profound patterns in oversampling at the extreme.  The interference patterns between two grids were modeled at thousands to a millions of orders of magnitude difference in scale.  Amazing patterns are produced.  I have one posted on my home page (Please excuse: only found on my personal Media Wiki): https://groupkos.com/dev

The Newton's rings, if shown to radical resolution in a computer model, will interfere with the pixel grid --even when the interference grids are radically separated in scale --> because the interference is occurring in the computer model.

The most radical pattern effect is the pattern-acceleration.  The acceleration patterns of Newton's rings literally shifted the patterns into earlier and later patterns on a timeline of shifting patterns.

The simple interference of a circle and a square (pixel) made /a lens to patterns in the future of the time-line animation/ (not shown particularly at the link above, unless you notice the larger dots wobble in place over time).

The animation of one shrinking pattern of two-patterns interfering -when viewed over the time-line of frames like a movie, has periodic pulsations of lensing events.  This can be seen in the animation at the link above (some patience for the large GIF to download).

Could the time-line fractality of Moire-patterns be doing interesting things in the heat of the sub-quantum energies to make them pulsate over time (per the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou recurrence effect in discussion on another thread)?

But at the quantum reality, what are the two periodic effects involved with the interference?  Or is the heat of quantum reality pulsing with the interference of many dimensional grid works?


On 10/15/2020 8:41 AM, H LV wrote:
If a Moire pattern can be photographed using a film camera then there are moire patterns which exist without a sampling device.


On Thu., Oct. 15, 2020, 9:37 a.m. Bob Higgins, <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com <mailto:rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The Moire effect is the result of spatial undersampling an image,
    and the Moire pattern is the aliasing.  This is the reason that
    Canon and many other camera manufacturers put an optical blurring
    filter in front of the image sensor.  The blurring filter is a
    spatial lowpass filter to prevent the aliasing of spatial
    frequencies above the sampling frequency / 2.

    Sampling is fundamentally a nonlinear process and thus the beat
    can occur.  That it can show up visually in the eye testifies to
    the sampling within the eye.

    On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 6:28 AM H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com
    <mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Moire patterns are like beats without waves.

        Moiré Kit

        2. Moire pattern effect

        3. What Are Moire Patterns? (Mr. Wizard)

        4. Freaky Dot Patterns - Numberphile


Stay hydrated!

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