To make it short:

There is one single stable state (H*-H*) in Mills terminology Dihydrino...The physics behind Mills Hydrino is childish there are no isolated single Hydrinos. This H*-H* state has been detected by Santilli but he also claimed a single state. Mills made perfect measurements of the Di-Hydrino from filaments produced by the SUN-Cell reaction. (See business reports!) Where as Holmlids measurements are not reliable as he measures clusters.

All you need for H*-H* is : very low pressure and a surface that forces spin-alignment (e.g. a styren-catalyst)


On 23.11.2020 15:52, JonesBeene wrote:

Has anyone here seen the vials of supposed hydrinos that Mills used to show at conferences? Were they ever tested independently? He seems to have given up that gimmick (perhaps at the advice of his lawyer)…One wonders what materials would bind to dense hydrogen or even if the material could be contained at all.

If H* is dense and chemically inert (except with other H*) then a natural source on earth would be unlikely to have been found in the past.  Any atoms of it which were created would essentially sink since no natural elements should be capable to contain the H* for long, given its compactness and density. Unless the species turns up in biology then it seems that  there is essentially no normal place for it to accumulate. Its density insures that it should preferentially move towards the center of earth with no means of stopping it except for weak diamagnetism -- Assuming that it is  diamagnetic like hydrogen

According to Mills, the solar corona is a vast factory for making dense hydrogen. In all of these Vortex posts, the various theories of dense hydrogen have been intentionally conflated and the name ‘hydrino’ is seldom  used - since most of the theorists now seem to agree that the single densest state is the only one which fits into theory seamlessly and not the stepwise progression of Mills with its 137 steps is counter-productive.

At any rate, if millions of tons per day of the stuff are being made in the solar corona and then finding it way to earth via the “solar wind” and collecting in the oceans of earth then it might be possible to work backwards to find a natural biological repository and then look there..

The best candidate I can think of would involve  the lifeforms  around the deep ocean vents. Maybe the mussel shells found there are high density and self-heating 😊

        ·If hydrinos are just more stable versions of isolated
        hydrogen atoms they should have been discovered in hydrogen
        gas using old technology many decades ago. But this is just a
        strawman argument against their existence.


        What old technology, exactly, would have discovered them? That
        is an intriguing path to follow

        BTW it could be a “fundable” inquiry involving a deeper look
        at old data.. should anyone here be looking for a new project.

        H* would have almost the same mass as hydrogen - but would be
        so  much denser that it  probably cannot react chemically in
        the same way, so they are relatively inert.

        For instance, there is unlikely to be found in nature a form
        of water where one of the protons is replaced with dense
        hydrogen as this could present a charge imbalance.

        It would be worth the effort to find the most likely place
        dense hydrogen should be found in nature (assuming it is real)

        My guess is that it would be in biological lifeforms which use
        it for survival, somehow.


    Look for abnormally high energetic emissions from a hot hydrogen
    gas. That would be evidence of hydrogen relaxing below the ground
    state. The probability of the formation of hydrinos in an ideal
    gas would be very low.. However, I think the probability might
    increase as the gas got cooler. This would be in contrast with the
    probability of fusion increasing as the temperature of the gas


It might be better to look for unusual absorption lines in a cold gas of hydrogen. This would indicate the hydrino atom was there but changed back into an ordinary hydrogen atom by absorbing energy.


Jürg Wyttenbach
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8910 Affoltern am Albis

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