Photons are closed loops of EM flux with one open loop being the propagation direction. IF you understand SO(4) physics then you also will grasp how this looks.

Photons obviously are discrete particles and not simple waves.

Physicist often are confused by the teachers that talk of virtual photons in the case of EM wave interaction. There are no virtual photons in a sense of being particles.

But the main problem is the silly standard model that assumes that everything is a field. But the standard model has no clue how such a field is generated!! They simply postulate it like the church postulates anything you have to believe. Electron = charge = point mass/field = Kindergarten physics.

So throw these papers in the bin ! Just childish nonsense.


On 26.03.2021 23:13, William Beaty wrote:

It also connects with a "secret" taught in graduate-level physics, where instead all the undergrads are only taught some traditional "Lies to Children" (also sometimes called 'physics misconceptions.')

The "lie" here is the idea that photons exist; that photons are like little grains of sand flying through space.  Little tiny billiard-balls which excite atoms by crashing into them.  Light is photons, and light waves are a delusion.

FINALLY someone complained...

  There are no particles, there are only fields

Photons, as commonly conceived, don't exist.  Only EM quanta exist.  All the undergrad physics text are lying to you.

If we properly taught this, we'd have to tell students that half of quantum physics also applies to simple radio circuitry ...that Stimulated Emission and Rabi-flopping aren't about photons, and that laser physics can be duplicated with an array of LC tank circuits.  (Noooooooo! Lasers GOTTA be QM, pure particle physics, not just some embarrassing old Ben Franklin static electricity stuff, or like dusty radio tube-receivers from back before FM was invented!! )

If...  if lasers are just wave-mechanics, that requires that all the grad students would need to ACTUALLY LEARN all that physics stuff in Griffiths, rather than just temporarily memorizing it for the exam, then ignoring it all.

  Hitler encounters the Jackson text

On Sat, 27 Mar 2021, Robin wrote:
In reply to  William Beaty's message of Fri, 26 Mar 2021 03:06:23 -0700 (PDT): My thoughts:- Since photons travel at the speed of light, if special relativity is correct, then in their own reference frame, they travel no distance, and it takes no time. Hence transmission & absorption occur concurrently and without any
separation distance. This may explain the "full energy dump".
BTW the full energy is not always dumped. Consider the Compton effect.

  ...Mechanism of WaveFunction Collapse 8/2020

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William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
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