What's crazy about it? It appears to be more promising than anything else for 
interstellar travel, unless we discover the reactionless drive that many have 
proposed. But there is no reactionless drive yet. So why not try this?

Furthermore, I think there might be a major improvement possible unless I'm 
missing something. How about using thorium salt water instead of uranium? You 
could start the engine with the lowest isotope concentration of uranium salt 
that would start and maintain a reaction. Then when the reaction is well 
established make the transition to the thorium salt water. In other words, you 
would have a uranium "pilot light".

A large container of thorium salt solution wouldn't need anything to absorb 
neutrons and would be inherently stable, thereby avoiding the possibility of 
catastrophic failure. The uranium salt could be kept in far smaller quantities 
and would only be used to start the reaction.

I doubt this engine would ever be built, but it's fun to speculate.

     On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 02:47:45 PM GMT, H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com> 
 The Nuclear Salt Water Rocket - Possibly the Craziest Rocket Engine Ever 


<<The Nuclear Salt Water Rocket is a rocket engine concept that uses a rapid 
nuclear reaction in a Uranium salt dissolved in water to create a high thrust, 
high efficiency engine which eclipses the performance of any rocket engine ever 
designed. It's a concept originally presented by Robert Zubrin, which is 
appealing because it looks more scientifically plausible than many other 
futuristic propulsion concepts.>>

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