High weirdness ...since 2002.  (I been outta the loop!)

Recent antigravity discussion, YT:

  5/24/2021 Scientist "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared...

Towards the end of the video (16:40) Jack Sarfatti in old Tim Ventura interview mentions that U. Huntsville's Ning Li (re Podkletnov-claimed rotating HTSC gravity-shielding,) dropped out of sight and supposedly moved back to China. Rumors about Chinese emDrive, Naval Pais-patents of crazy UFO tech, maybe they're responding to Ning Li working on Chinese "Podkletnov" devices? [1]

My own crackpot pet theory: down at the angstrom scale, permanent magnets are "perfect conductors" because of charge spin: the QM version of persistent ring-currents. So perhaps the rumors involving rotating antigrav HTSC-disk are connected to rumors involving rotating neo supermagnet antigravity (Searle device, and Roschin/Godin version.) Why not rotate some large disk-slabs of pyrolytic graphite at 30K RPM, placed adjacent to non-rotating supermagnets, giving physically-moving Alpha currents (supercurrents in benzene rings,) currents responsible for strong paramagnetism in dense graphite. Heh, maglev your graphite disk inside a vacuum capsule, then spin 'er up with induction drive.


  [1] Firesign Theater sez, "Could be could BE!      All *I* know is,
      (from their 1974 album, "Everything you know is wrong.")

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William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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