In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 20 Jun 2021 15:47:20 +0000 (UTC):

In this paper they mention that the particles produced by Holmlid's reaction 
resemble the output of an annihilation
reaction. I put it to you that the reason for this is that they are the result 
of an annihilation reaction.
Holmlid's ultra dense Hydrogen may the means by which Protium is converted into 
anti-Hydrogen, according to 

e- + p+ <=> e+ + p-  (matter/anti-matter or charge exchange reaction).

The e+ then annihilates the e- from another Hydrogen atom, and the p- 
annihilates the p+ from another Hydrogen atom.

It is the latter reaction that is responsible for the Kaons, mesons, muons etc.

You may recall that I mentioned sometime ago that the anti-matter to matter 
conversion might be a little asymmetric,
such that a small amount of energy is required to convert matter into 
anti-matter, with this asymmetry being responsible
for the prevalence of matter over anti-matter in the Universe.

Perhaps the condensation energy of the Holmlid-hydrogen is sufficient to 
overcome the asymmetry, and convert ordinary
Hydrogen into anti-Hydrogen? Maybe with some help from the laser along the way?

Robin van Spaandonk <>

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