I never could understand how magnets could produce overunity effects until
the Higgs mode has turned up in anisotropic magnets.

To refresh our memories from a old post from Russ Gerorge as follows:

I had the privilege of standing in the parking lot of the hotel where
Chukanov had his demo running for several hours in the company of Martin
Fleischmann fusing some of our little grey cells over that device. Chukanov
answered or at least responded to every single question we posed to him and
we sent many his way. It was a fascinating and captivating demo. Martin was
the kind of man who had insatiable curiosity and not a mean molecule in his
body and showed it in his sincere interest and professorial manner.
Chukanov sent us both away with several large chunks of his metal.

Meanwhile the hundreds of ICCF conference attendees almost entirely shunned
the ‘parking lot demo’ and Chukanov, especially the self-appointed high
priest insiders of cold fusion. There was little but derision and snide
attacks behind Chukanov’s back at the meeting.

After a couple hours in hot afternoon sun with Chukanov and his machine
Martin and I adjorned to the beach and floated for a long time like basking
whales chatting about this and that.

Somewhere in my collection of ‘cold fusion’ holy treasures I have some of
Chukanov’s SmCo5 metal. I think I will dig it out and see if some of the
recent ‘activation’ ideas make it work even better!

The SmCo5 magnet is an anisotropic magnet.


Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 5:06 PM Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Science says that the Higgs field is like a pencil that is standing on its
> point. Just the smallest perturbation can cause the Higgs field to fail.
> This twisty nature of the Higgs field could be the mechanism behind all the
> over-unity systems that have shown up over the years. The Higgs mode is a
> new behavior seen in condensed matter systems. The “Higgs Mode,” otherwise
> known as the Higgs amplitude mode, is seen as a close relative to the Higgs
> boson. Since the Higgs boson was first theorized in the 1960s, the first
> physical discovery came in 2012, and new quantum phenomena have since been
> detected. In this post, we look at the new quantum state known as the Higgs
> mode, the materials that the Higgs mode is found in and the Higgs Boson
> itself. The Higgs amplitude mode is a quantum phenomenon seen in
> materials and occurs when the magnetic field of its electrons fluctuate in
> a way similar to that of a Higgs boson. The materials that exhibit this
> phenomenon can do so because the crystal structure of the material enables
> the electrons to behave in such a way. When the Higgs mode presents itself
> in these materials, the material is often undergoing a quantum phase
> transition. The Higgs mode has been detected in many different systems,
> including in ultracold atomic gases, disordered superconductors, and
> dimerized quantum magnets. However, in many cases, the Higgs mode is
> unstable and decays. As such, it has only been reported in a handful of
> publications. However, some systems can support these quantum effects
> without decaying. The earliest experimental observation was seen in the
> Raman scattering of a superconducting charge-density wave compound. The
> Raman spectra found an unexpected peak that was later characterized as the
> presence of a Higgs mode. In a system where the Higgs mode is presented,
> the Higgs field in that system can be made to fail, in effect, the system
> topples the Higgs field inside that system. When the Higgs field fails, the
> forces of nature revert back to the way they were before the Higgs field
> manifested in the universe. That time is about 10^-43 seconds after the big
> bang. All sorts of weird and unworldly behaviors then developed in those
> Higgs mode systems

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