That paper is very "vortician".   Right up our alley.

The possible explaining of some controversial effects by a *vortexial* atom

Volume 4 Issue 2 - 2020

Marius Arghirescu State Office for Inventions and Trademarks,
Patents Department, Romania Correspondence: Marius Arghirescu, State Office
for Inventions and Trademarks, Patents Department; Romania,
 Email Received: April 23, 2020 | Published: April 30, 2020

 In the paper is presented a *vortexial *pre-quantum model of atom, based
on a vortexial type of electron’ and proton’ magnetic moment, resulted in a
cold genesis theory(CGT) as etherono-quantonic vortex ( ) * B r (r ’) (r r
’), Γ =Γ +Γ > µ µµ µ of heavy’ tachyonic etherons (ms ≈10-60 kg; w>c)-
generating the magnetic potential A, and of quantons (mh =h⋅1/ c2
=7.37x10-51 kg)-generating vortex-tubes B ξ that materializes the B-field
lines of the magnetic induction, the proton’s magnetic moment resulting by
a degenerate Compton radius. The model may explain the ‘hydrino’ atom, with
n=½, the tachyonic speed of the electronic neutrino and the Kervran effect
of biological nuclear transmutations. By the multi-vortexial model of
nucleon resulted in CGT, are explained also some astrophysical observation
which sustains the CGT’s hypothesis of pulsatile antigravitic pseudo-charge
and gravitational waves generating at the surface of a ‘black hole type
star by matter→energy conversion, resulting also the possibility of cosmic
dust’s cold forming.


: *vortexial* atom, hydrino, OPERA experiment, Kervran effect, antigravitic
charge, gravitational waves


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