The FAA's top space official outlines progress

— NASA does a deep dive on potential power sources for a moon base,
including “cold fusion.”

Frontiers of Space Power and Energy
Document ID: 20210016143
Document Type: Technical Memorandum (TM)

The part about cold fusion is on pages 15, 16 and 17. It begins:

Farther Term

LENR - Revived (after experiments earlier in the 1900s) in the late 1980s
[ref. 28] and dubbed “Cold Fusion,” what is now usually termed LENR (Low
Energy Nuclear Reactions) was an experimental discovery with replication
issues at the time and lacked an acceptable theory. Now, three decades of
extant worldwide experiments [ref. 29] indicate “something nuclear” is
real. However, there does not yet exist a cogent, verified theory and
therefore LENR has been looked at with askance by the physics community.
There are now extant recent weak force and other weak neutron-based
theories (not “hot” fusion) involving surface plasmons, electroweak
interactions explicable via QED on surfaces, collective effects, heavy
electrons, ultraweak neutrons, and utilizing neutron generation to obviate
coulomb barrier issues. There are now many patents and LENR is beginning to
evolve into the marketplace. Given a validated theory to engineer, scale,
and make safe, LENR would obviously be a major world energy revolution,
especially with observed energy density levels surpassing those of chemical
energy. In fact, LENR has been observed in the tens to hundreds and
theoretical possibilities into the many thousands times chemical energy
density levels. In the Widom-Larsen Theory [ref. 30], H2 is adsorbed or
“loaded” onto a metal surface and the resulting surface plasmon initiates
collective effects. Some energy is added and several types of energy appear
to work. From the LENR experiments and a sizable body of applicable related
research, nano cracks/asperities in the surface morphology concentrate
energy over an area and produce high localized voltage gradients. Such
voltage gradients excite collective electrons to combine with protons in
the surface plasmon to form ultraweak neutrons. These neutrons readily
interact, producing neutron rich isotopes which undergo beta decay and
transmutations. The heavy electron cloud converts the beta decay to heat,
sans worrisome radiation and coulomb barrier issues, in agreement with
experiment(s). . . .


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