Not really new, its the same old trick everytime; its like how illegal drugs are pushed -> the dealer gives you them free until you are hooked then you have to pay; Youtube were giving a free service, now they are looking for getting money from it. No such thing as a free lunch -> there always turns out to be a catch. When it looks too good to be true then it was too good to be true.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
To: "Vortex" <>
Sent: Saturday, 18 Sep, 21 At 19:10
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Copy of "A Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion" without YouTube ads

Oh. You learn something new every day. I see you can pay them to delete the ads for $12 a month, with YouTube Premium. This I did not know, because I am out of it. Far, far out of it. Light years away from it.

- Jed

On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 7:12 PM ROGER ANDERTON < <> > wrote:

Youtube has started putting adverts on all videos now; they should have sent you a message telling you what they were going to do; maybe its in your spam folder.

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