*Dear Frank Znidarsic,*

I would I could I should laud your genius.  I think you are an alien!

Do you, Frank Znidarsic, want recognition of the parallel discovery of what the CIA covered up in the 1950s?

*The Smith 'tempic fabric' is the matter lattice... *the Coulombic continuum.

*Temporal optics*

Looking into Wilbert Smith this summer found me reading him from a new understanding.

Frank, Wilbert says the tempic fabric is resonantly engaged to affect three dimensions of control.

Wilbert said alien engineers vary the flow of time over a gradient to control the forces of nature.

I started really wondering about you then!

I've plummeted lock, stock, and barrel into Frank Znidarsic and the tempic portal!  Brought to you by nobody yet.

As you may wish, please do let me know and I'll change your name to protect your innocence.  Vortex People witness.

Oh... the connection...

*Nucleosonic overtones* are three dimensions of control on the rate of the flow of time.

Frank, your theory shows us how to bend a gradient upon quantum entropy!

But 3D control is mentioned in Smith's /New Science: Four layers of reality, three dimensions of dynamics each./

*Boldly going where no not one newbie woodworker has gone before...*

The fabric of time, Smith's temporal fabric, is Smith's comprehension of a spin wave upon the black body energies.  The spin wave that will flatten entropy a bit, and frost up, stratification of envelope energy when ballistically-oscillating nucleons phase-match nucleosonic overtones in harmonic control. The frost is just the side effect toward the coil coherence into the "fabric of time" which is exactly the fabric of the resonant timing media. (Conjecture of recklessness, DEM)

The thermal stratification within the resonant media just seems alien horse sense to this hybrid, what do I say? What do you say?

*The fabric of time is the Coulomb field
The time-constant of jiggle of the Coulombic conservancy is proportionate to some dimensionalities, therefore, as we all fantasize together (I know you do) what harmonic dimensions of coupling exist between a magnetic dipole, and the nucleosonic mass-point of positive charge?

My woodworker intuition... *You did it Frank! *But I am /just a newbie /woodworker*.*

*Discussion from the Vortex People peer review?  Is Frank Alien?


Jiggle time!

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