Axil Axil’s  recent comment Re LENR NO- RASIATION  PHENOMENA is without basis 

I myself have cons intensified that nuclear spin  energy to phonic energy of an 
entangled phonic atomic electronic system when sufficient resonant EM 
conditions exist in the entangled (QM) system.

The increased phonic of an atomic electronic system subsequently emits radiant 
(NON-GAMMA) EM energy with a resulting decrease of the total energy of the new 
nuclear configuration—a nuclear transmutation.

The LENR reaction conserves energy and  angular momentum.

The engineering of nano-entangled- QM systems, that provide necessary phonic 
and nuclear isomeric states, created with the introduction of a controlling 
magnetic field, is IMHO the crux of LENR  success.

This nano engineering started with control of the Pd electrode crystal grain 
size and B magnetic fields the Pd crystals produced in the P-F tests.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:

Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from a 
cold fusion reaction...

Is this work published?

It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma lines 
support a theory

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