
The production of energy by the reaction is produced when the EVO is
induced to become unstable. This instability results in a Bosenova where
10^23 electrons explode at the speed of light.

Here is a video of this process occurring in an experiment.

When I watched this VEGA experiment where the EVOs exploded in a BoseNova,
I noticed that the high energy electrons exiting the Bosenova are producing
a bright band from the explosion that traveled directly in a short straight
line to the anode.  A sharp almost instantaneous voltage spike in the anode
circuit should occur when those high energy electrons return to the anode.

When we saw Rossi's QX demo, we saw the random high dv/dt voltage spikes on
Rossi's pumping input show on his input line scope. Those voltage feedback
spikes destroyed his controller, but it looks like he found a way to
capture that voltage in the SKLEP reactor. The over unity energy is carried
by those high energy electrons at 1.5 MeV, I believe that Rossi is
capturing this return of high energy electrons in the SKLEP reactor.  These
electrons may be getting to the anode before they can release their energy
as heat in the plasma.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 6:49 PM <> wrote:

> Axil Axil wrote:
> “We went through this before regarding ferrosilicon production. The
> "reaction" does not produce any energy as well as radiation and particles.
> Recently. to support my claim that transmutation is not energy generation
> productive, in the post titled "*LENR transmutation may be subject to
> quantum mechanical superposition,*" I reference the production of
> ferrosilicon in India as an example of massive transmutation with little
> if no excess energy production.
> See
> ”
> Page 8 of the report cited in Axil Axil’s comment is copied  hereafter:
> >>>>>8. Remarks on Possible Future Studies Unfortunately Silcal operations
> were severely crippled by power cuts ranging from 30 to 100% and frequent
> power  nterruptions from 1996 onwards till 1999. Following a dispute
> regarding violation of Power Tariff agreement with the state government and
> withdrawal of exemptions from power cut for our industry, the Silcal plant
> had to be shut down in 2002 and the company wound up in 2010. This was an
> inevitable consequence of the fact that cost of electrical power consumed
> forms a substantial component of the net cost of production of Fe–Si alloy
> by the smelting process What has been has been observed by us in our plant
> may be considered to be only partial transmutation of the C and O present
> in the reaction zone into Si and Fe. As such we were making attempts to
> attain 100% transmutation of all the carbon and oxygen nuclei present in
> the input feed, from 1995 to 2002. For the last 15 years, we have been
> contemplating various ways of improving the technology, hoping to move
> towards achieving 100% transmutations.     We do believe that we now have
> the design and operational parameters for such an improved plant design. If
> we had carried out isotopic analysis of the produced Fe–Si alloy it would
> have given us very valuable clues. We deeply regret not having thought of
> doing this those days. We are meanwhile continuing efforts to try and set
> up a new plant where these transmutation results could be replicated once
> again. The objective of this paper is to share our findings with the LENR
> community, with the hope that operators of sim- ilar plants elsewhere in
> the world, especially in Norway, could be encouraged to look for the
> occurrence of anomalous production of Si and Fe in similar submerged arc
> furnace smelting plants. On our part we shall be most happy to shareour
> results and experience in a true scientific spirit with anyone
> interested.<<<<<<
> My second sentence of my comments to Axil Axil  is not clear and may have
> been misunderstood.
> I have modified this sentence with bold font  as follows:
> The *increase*  *in*  phonic *kinetic energy* of an atomic *system of
> electrons * is subsequently *emitted as  low  energy radiation*
>  (NON-GAMMA)  with a resulting decrease of the total energy of the new
> nuclear configuration—a nuclear transmutation.
> The Indian paper cited by Axil Axil seems to recognize the potential of
> increased smelting process heat, but does not address  the QM system with a
> phase change and subsequent release of phonic kinetic energy.
> Bob Cook
> _________________________________________
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 2:06 PM <
>> wrote:
> Axil Axil’s  recent comment Re LENR NO- RASIATION  PHENOMENA is without
> basis IMHOP.
> I myself have cons intensified that nuclear spin  energy to phonic energy
> of an entangled phonic atomic electronic system when sufficient resonant EM
> conditions exist in the entangled (QM) system.
> The increased phonic of an atomic electronic system subsequently emits
> radiant (NON-GAMMA) EM energy with a resulting decrease of the total energy
> of the new nuclear configuration—a nuclear transmutation.
> The LENR reaction conserves energy and  angular momentum.
> The engineering of nano-entangled- QM systems, that provide necessary
> phonic and nuclear isomeric states, created with the introduction of a
> controlling magnetic field, is IMHO the crux of LENR  success.
> This nano engineering started with control of the Pd electrode crystal
> grain size and B magnetic fields the Pd crystals produced in the P-F tests.
> Bob Cook
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows
> *From: *Jones Beene <>
> *Sent: *Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:59 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion
> Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:
> Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from
> a cold fusion reaction...
> -----
> Is this work published?
> It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma
> lines support a theory

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