Chris Zell <> wrote:

> Many of these things are technically not conspiracies, just stigmergy.

That is a great word! I have never heard it. You learn something new every
day. Here is another definition:

Yes, the opposition to cold fusion was stigmergy. It was spontaneous and
unorganized at first, but later self-organizing. Many people thought it was
in their interests to suppress cold fusion, from Robert Park at the APS and
other mainstream physicists, to the editors at Nature, to the plasma fusion
researchers. They had different reasons. Some reasons made sense, others
did not. The plasma fusion people feared their budget would be cut. They
were right; it would have been. Robert Park made his reputation as a
naysayer. As Gene Mallove said, his column "What's New" should have been
called, "What's New -- that I hate." The physicists were reacting
emotionally, and playing the usual academic politics. There was no
coordination at first, but as the attacks intensified, each group of
opponents made use of the other groups. You might say they all left
pheromone tracks in the public record, and the tracks all led in one

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