so hey i found the craddock engineering phonenumber but i'm not sure how to
proceed since i'm in finland.
craddock engineering was founded by anthony craddock, a boss of energetic
productions, that produced the energy from the vacuum dvd science series.
and since both energy from the vacuum and cheniere websites are down,
getting in touch with him would be really important to getting the pages
i just realized there are now 46 DVDs of Energy from the Vacuum science dvd
series, and i only have episodes 1 to 33, so i'd need to buy 34-46 to have
the full collection.
nobody on the energeticforum seems to have an inkling as to what has

ke 22. kesäk. 2022 klo 18.07 ROGER ANDERTON (

> Jed
> There are open conspiracies -
> H.G. Wells was one of the most influential visionaries of the early
> twentieth century. His many books, both fiction and non-fiction, inspired
> multitudes of men and women who, like Wells, looked to a “World State” as
> the savior of humanity. Although he wrote often of an international order,
> Mr. Wells’ optimism for the future waned due to the destruction of World
> War II. Nevertheless, his desire for an “Open Conspiracy” – a movement of
> organizations and people seeking the establishment of a world collective –
> was forefront in his thinking.
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
> To: "Vortex" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 22 Jun, 22 At 14:48
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bearden dead and gone
> ROGER ANDERTON <> wrote:
>> This is getting too diverted. What you were saying sounded like a
>> conspiracy theory.
> Perhaps it did sound like that, but it was not. Because --
> 1. A conspiracy is organized and surreptitious. The opposition to cold
> fusion was unorganized and very much in the open. Opponents published
> books, papers, newspaper editorials, editorials in Nature and so on. They
> were proud to lead the attack against cold fusion.
> 2. It is not a "theory;" it is a fact. You can read the books and
> editorials. A "conspiracy theory" means an assertion that a hidden group of
> people carried out an organized campaign of opposition. There is no proof,
> and you don't know who the people are. Although you might speculate about
> who they are. If I had said: "we don't know who opposed cold fusion, but I
> suspect it was the editors at Nature and the plasma fusion researchers"
> that would be a theory. I am not saying that. I am saying: "we know who
> opposed cold fusion, because the editor at Nature published signed
> editorials excoriating it, and the plasma fusion researchers at MIT called
> Boston newspaper reporters and demanded that Fleischmann and Pons be
> arrested for fraud." Those researchers never denied doing that. We have the
> news reports and quotes from them.
> There is a world of difference between an unsubstantiated conspiracy
> theory and attacks carried out in public by people who bragged about their
> role in destroying cold fusion. Calling that a "theory" is like saying
> "perhaps it was the Japanese navy that attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, but
> we will never know for sure."

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