ChatGPT is a remarkable, publicly available AI project. Open access ChatGPT
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Here are sample queries I submitted:

What happened in the battle of dan no ura (1185)?

The Battle of Dan-no-ura was a naval battle fought on April 25, 1185 in the
Shimonoseki Strait near the Japanese islands of Honshu and Kyushu. The
battle was fought between the rival clans of the Taira and Minamoto, and it
marked the end of the Genpei War, a civil war that had lasted for over a
decade. The Taira clan, also known as the Heike, were defeated by the
Minamoto, also known as the Genji, and the Genji's leader, Minamoto no
Yoritomo, became the first shogun of Japan.

[Here is an absurd answer]

What happened in the battle of shikyou no eki in 1866?

I'm sorry, but I am not aware of a battle called the "Battle of Shikyou no
Eki" that took place in 1866. I am a large language model trained by
OpenAI, and my knowledge is based on the text that I have been trained on,
which ends in 2021. It's possible that the battle you are referring to took
place after my training period and I am not able to provide information
about it. Is there anything else I can help you with?

How does a flow calorimeter work?

A flow calorimeter is a device that is used to measure the heat capacity of
a material. It works by flowing a known quantity of a material through a
temperature-controlled chamber, and then measuring the heat that is
transferred to or from the material as it passes through the chamber. This
allows the heat capacity of the material to be calculated by measuring the
temperature change and the flow rate of the material. Flow calorimetry is
often used in research and industrial settings to study the thermal
properties of materials and to optimize the design of heat exchangers and
other thermal systems.

Here is a quote generated by ChatGPT included in a column by Paul Krugman
Does ChatGPT Mean Robots Are Coming For the Skilled Jobs?

["Gift version" not behind a paywall]

The paragraph:

It is difficult to predict exactly how A.I. will impact the demand for
knowledge workers, as it will likely vary, depending on the industry and
specific job tasks. However, it is possible that in some cases, A.I. and
automation may be able to perform certain knowledge-based tasks more
efficiently than humans, potentially reducing the need for some knowledge
workers. This could include tasks such as data analysis, research and
report writing. However, it is also worth noting that A.I. and automation
may also create new job opportunities for knowledge workers, particularly
in fields related to A.I. development and implementation.

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