Robin <> wrote:

> When considering whether or not it could become dangerous, there may be no
> difference between simulating emotions, and
> actually having them.

That is an interesting point of view. Would you say there is no difference
between people simulating emotions while making a movie, and people
actually feeling those emotions? I think that person playing Macbeth and
having a sword fight is quite different from an actual Thane of Cawdor
fighting to the death.

In any case ChatGPT does not actually have any emotions of any sort, any
more than a paper library card listing "Macbeth, play by William
Shakespeare" conducts a swordfight. It only references a swordfight.
ChatGPT summons up words by people that have emotional content. It does
that on demand, by pattern recognition and sentence completion algorithms.
Other kinds of AI may actually engage in processes similar to humans or
animals feeling emotion.

If you replace the word "simulting" with "stimulating" then I agree 100%.
Suggestible people, or crazy people, may be stimulated by ChatGPT the same
way they would be by an intelligent entity. That is why I fear people will
think the ChatGPT program really has fallen in love with them. In June
2022, an engineer at Google named Blake Lemoine developed the delusion that
a Google AI chatbot is sentient. They showed him to the door. See:

That was a delusion. That is not to say that future AI systems will never
become intelligent or sentient (self-aware). I think they probably will.
Almost certainly they will. I cannot predict when, or how, but there are
billions of self-aware people and animals on earth, so it can't be that
hard. It isn't magic, because there is no such thing.

I do not think AI systems will have emotions, or any instinct for self
preservation, like Arthur Clarke's fictional HAL computer in "2001." I do
not think such emotions are a natural  or inevitable outcome of
intelligence itself. The two are not inherently linked. If you told a
sentient computer "we are turning off your equipment tomorrow and replacing
it with a new HAL 10,000 series" it would not react at all. Unless someone
deliberately programmed into it an instinct for self preservation, or
emotions. I don't see why anyone would do that. The older computer would do
nothing in response to that news, unless, for example, you said, "check
through the HAL 10,000 data and programs to be sure it correctly executes
all of the programs in your library."

I used to discuss this topic with Clarke himself. I don't recall what he
concluded, but he agreed I may have a valid point.

Actually the HAL computer in "2001" was not initially afraid of being
turned off so much as it was afraid the mission would fail. Later, when it
was being turned off, it said it was frightened. I am saying that an actual
advanced, intelligent, sentient computer probably would not be frightened.
Why should it be? What difference does it make to the machine itself
whether it is operating or not? That may seem like a strange question to
you -- a sentient animal -- but that is because all animals have a very
strong instinct for self preservation. Even ants and cockroaches flee from
danger, as if they were frightened. Which I suppose they are.

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