Giovanni Santostasi <> wrote:

> The video game analogy is a good thought experiment but basically concerns
> the question Sam Harris asked in the video I linked in my previous comment:
> Is there a line between raping a toaster and raping a sentient being that
> makes you a rapist?

A more apt comparison would be raping a sex doll. Yes, there is a line. It
could not be clearer. A toaster is an inanimate object. It has no life and
no feelings. So there is no possible harm to it. A toaster might hurt *you*.
Especially if it is plugged in.

I can imagine someone complaining about sex with algae, or yogurt bacteria.
They are, at least, alive. I expect you would kill them. But a toaster or
sex doll is not alive, so there is no way any sexual act can affect it. The
very idea is meaningless. At worst, I suppose you might be guilty of
ruining machinery and wasting money.

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