And the breakable shellac 78 RPM?  Edison's wax cylinder?

Regarding analog vs digital music, PCM sampled at 10% over the Nuquist rate
can exactly reproduce the original signal.  But the analog reproduction can
add a spacial quality.

I actually lost a good friend over an argument on CDs.  Remember when they
had a AAD, ADD or DDD rating.  Ken Franklin quit speaking to me because I
took the CD side.

Of course, he had thousands invested in Snell speakers, Macintosh tube amps
and two walls of vinyl.

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023, 5:25 PM H L V <> wrote:

> yes you are. :-)
> I didn't mention 8 tracks because they disappeared about 1980 when vinyl
> was still the most popular format.
> harry
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 12:44 PM Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> You forgot 8 tracks!  Or am I dating myself?
>> On Wed, Mar 22, 2023, 11:07 AM H L V <> wrote:
>>> Most Popular Music Formats 1972 - 2022
>>> Today the vast majority of music sales comes from the streaming format.
>>> However even though vinyl sales almost disappeared in the early 2000s
>>> they grew again and now exceed CD sales. If this video is accurate then
>>> no music cassettes are  sold today whereas at one time they dwarfed vinyl
>>> sales.
>>> This says something about the nature of obsolescence.
>>> A technology doesn't become obsolete simply because it is "obviously"
>>> inferior or less affordable.
>>> Harry

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