I have presented this to some degree here years ago but time for another
crack at it.
When I was in bed this morning I thought of this list, actually in that
state I was able to think, I believe of a few extra cases that currently I
can't put my finger on, they would belong in the middle of the list.

Anyway if we were to ask if there is the possibility of some type of
phenomena in space that might be induced to move, there is a LOT of "stuff"
in space that conventional science recognizes.
>From frame dragging, Dirac space, Virtual particles/Quantum field theory,
relic neutrino flux, Dark matter/Energy and much more:
Indeed the Lamb shift is a separation of virtual particles by an electric
field that causes the orbital of the Hydrogen atom to split into two very
close levels.

The first is the ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) known as the fluxliner
and a very compelling case is made for it in this humorous and effective

There you will see that MANY people claimed to see this same hovering
saucer at an Air-Show for top brass only.

The startling thing about the design is that the craft had an array of 48
high voltage capacitors that looks like a maximized version of the next
one, this very own lists "Capwarp"!

There we see a number of people managed to successfully replicate this
thing, and I recall a number of additional people on this list claiming
some success that wasn't recorded there.

So, given the Lamb shift and other information letting us know there is
something to be affected (including by an electric field) and the multiple
witnesses to the ARV and multiple claimants we could come to the conclusion
that there is a VERY HIGH probability that a circular array of HV
capacitors can create levitation.

We also of course have the work of Thomas Townsend Brown, now some of his
capacitor arrays were indeed very similar to this, though his thrusts were
stronger he had large numbers of layers submerged in oil and both a weight
loss and thrust was noticed, this is in addition to the more showy but
arguably potentially more ion wind based examples he later worked on.

But there is a book, I think it might be the Yellow cover of "Antigravity
and the World Grid" where it mentions a rumor that T.T Brown was rumored to
have got far higher levels of Antigravity from a circular array of

But we aren't done yet!

In an "Infolio" I got from Rex Research it mentioned a high school kid who
made a large circular capacitor with a Polystyrene dielectric, it lost
weight no when charged no matter which polarity was up, this aligns with
T-T Brown claiming that there was both an antigravity AND a propulsive
component to his work.

Then one day I found a comment on Youtube, it was about a University
student (Doyle a few years on?) who got levitation from a glass dielectric
based circular capacitor!

When I relayed this to (RIP) Marc McCandlish he told me about another man
who made a very very large circular capacitor and he used a black
dielectric similar to what is used for shoes, and energized it with a Tesla
coil, if his claims are genuine he made a craft he flew in!

Ok so we have some other interesting evidence to consider.
There is a claim of another science fair experiment at a school, whis one
involved 2 circular plates of Aluminium with a time varying (IIRC) HV field
applied, a ball bearing placed on this began to moe in a circle, given that
there is no obvious electromagnetic mechanism for such a behavior and we
are looking for evidence of some type of "Aerther Vortex" involved with
large HV appropriately designed capacitors then this also supports the the
picture being painted here.

In addition, I also at one point (wish I had kept track of it) multiple
claims of circular (might have been spheres actually) charged with high
voltage DC in association with a second pole, and a torque being noticed on
the components, essentially another case supporting a circular force from
HV capacitors that seems not to be easily explained by electrodynamic

Then there is the Ducret house account mentioned in the Ether Technology
book by Rho Sigma, it was dielectric disk which under the influence of high
voltage rotated then becoming airborne, in this case I believe the rotation
was easily explained by electrostatic motor effects but the levitation
while not a perfect match seems to be potentially relevant.

There was also a man, who's name eludes me at present but the account is
not unknown, he had a device he demonstrated at the World's fair, he
described it as a "Rotary Condenser" and and weight loss was demonstrated,
though there is no image of the device, but the name certainly leads to
plausibility that it is perhaps related.

The next is Alexey Chekurkov, while his device has more going on than just
a circular HV capacitor, it DOES satisfy that requirement and produces
levitation!  It also has a mix of DC and AC high voltages (Hutchison
Effect0 and magnets and counter-rotation but that makes sense of his
effects being relatively effective with a poorer electrical capacity than
say the ARV or Cap Warp.
Interestingly I have now found that Alexey is selling kits and I would be
curious as to the cost if they are still available.
Also while looking for his channel I see a Retro Reflector capacitor design
that is a perfect copy for something I have been working on, I have yet to
watch his videos about it but here are two:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK-XxlMw3fA    and

Ok, so what of my own research?
Well, I saw a correlation that actually others also saw, it might be
obvious if you look at this graphic: https://ibb.co/BVmNxFm
That list isn't exhaustive, for instance just today I was marvelling over
the similarity of the Leedskalnin rotor which has 24 Horseshoe magnets with
poles facing out, which one attempted replicator noticed to create a visual
And this is most interesting as there is a researcher by the name Ferlini,
he put 4 Horseshoe magnets with poles in, he tuned the spacing to balance
out the two paths the fux could take, either shorting between the poles of
each the other end of each horseshoe or going to the neighboring horse
shoe.   When he did this over time the table became fuzzy as a visual
disturbance was created, and then eventually a myst was created, you know
what else this reminds me of???

The Stan Deyo claim of a researcher to made an antigravity device known as
the wedding cake, it includes both of these elements, visual disturbed
space and split rings of magnetic materials!

Has anyone else put those 3 claims together?  Does anyone else even know of
those 3 claims?
Ok, so why am I saying this is my research???
Well you see I have been able to feel this "aether vortex energy" quite
keenly since 2012 when I made a coil that charged my hand, and I have had
many feel the energy from my designs including when they were hidden and
the people knew nothing of my work.

The point is that one thing I have discovered is that you need 2 things,
you need to encourage rotation of energies but ALSO you need to create some
resistance or turbulence in the flow.
Imagine having your cars wheels off the ground and you get it going, the
wheels are spinning but they are cold, no heat, or maybe they aren't
spinning and you have the brakes on hard, again, nothing.
But if you apply the gas and brakes either to the right level or
alternately then the wheels rotate AND heat is generated as the disc brakes
experience friction.

This is an apt analogy for what I have found occurs with designs that make
an aether vortex, though the majority of my work has been unpowered and no
magnets or HV used. I have seen this numerous times.
Sometimes a design won't be strong but I will add something that produces
resistance, it will be intense and then drop to a low energy as the
resistance was too high.
Or there will be "energy" in motion and it will get faster and faster and
faster and it becomes less and less substantial till I can't feel it

Consider the difference between a river with laminar flow you wouldn't even
know was flowing, .vs one with rocks that makes white water, or indeed I
have a shower head with ceramic balls and this induced turbulence makes the
water feel a lot harder and more solid!

Well, my research also concludes that the electric type energies in the
aether have a spin, and the positive and negative energies tend to move in
opposite directions and as such they collide making heat, this stops motion.
But the separation with an electric field allows these energies to pass
without collision, but perhaps the best is some balance between the two
effects, either a dynamic balance or a static one.

We might also look at the Hamel device which has a few claims of partial
and full successful reproduction, one guy with partial success I actually
His rings became charged electrostatically, but if there is any circular
motion in that space the magnetic field would create a vertical electric
force separating positive and negative charges!

So because the effect isn't direct, a circular HV capacitor doesn't ensure
an aether vortex, it makes it likely and if it happens antigravity might
But it is important to realize why negative results don't "Debunk"
something including the obvious fact that a negative result can be either
incompetent or sometimes IT is the lie!

Consider that Marc McCandlish the artist who drew the thing and promoted
it, and the man who made the documentary have both died mysteriously.
Stefan Marinov, who claimed a rotating field created by magnetic means
(Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device (MAGVID) suddenly committed
suiscide mysteriously, there is no shortage of such mysterious deaths and
The point is that if "they" have a history of killing, threatening and
buying people off we would be foolish to assume they aren't going to have a
few accounts that say "I tried this and it failed".

So between the suppression efforts (albeit inconsistent) and the
complexities of an effect that isn't directly electromagnetic and involves
new physics that is hardly understood by convention at all...
It shouldn't surprise that sometimes things fail, there are many cases of
competent scientists failing to replicate something that is now well
established as real.

So be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water!

Consider also the Joe Cell, it is lifeless until it is given a charge by a
battery, sure it's not high voltage but it is a capacitor of sorts with
water as the dielectric (ideally nothing to make it conductive is used) and
Antigravity has been claimed from the Joe Cell.  And many have claimed some
degree of success with it that can't be explained as conventional
electrolysis, including a friend.

Ok, let's consider LENR, Bob Greenyer of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial
Project has a LOT of photographic evidence for a Toroidal form that gets
created and imprinted on metal from Cold Fusion, Ken Shoulders charge
Cluster (EVO, Exotic vacuum Objects) Hutchison Effect samples, and many
many more places, this structure is very similar to the coil I first made
that I felt emit an energy, it is a coil made of a coil, Russians who made
a coil of a coil of a coil (maybe another level?) input power and had a
signal come out for days after it was disconnected, shades of Stevem Mark's
TPU which fits perfectly with what I have been talking about with respect
to balancing acceleration and resistance, his devices could go into a
meltdown mode.

So what do we have here?
A stunning number of coincidences and liars?

Or something real?

Does it cost anything (except possibly your life if you make too
extraordinary claims and your standing/respect by those who would have also
scoffed at the Write Brother's before their flight...).
No, this research can be done safely and with no expense, truly I have
developed very postent unpowered designs can be can made with no cost
(because yes, EM/Light affects the aether so even images will do as Dan A.
Davidson also claimed) or just bits of any garden/craft or electrical wire
that is easy to bend, a majority (but far from everyone) of people can feel
this phenomena.
Admittedly the odds are lower among skeptical types which seems to include
scientists and yet there are absolute skeptics who have felt the energy.

There are people who have felt energy from designs that were hidden they
knew nothing of.

This research that can be instrumental in humanity surviving and thriving
is easily accessible but I think that there are concerted efforts to
suppress such and perhaps even at the Psychic level.
See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9hwXoCrEUs

And I think after watching that you could conclude that there are
influences opposed to humanity delving into this technology.

Of course if we switch the electric to magnetic we can also consider
Podkletnov, John Schnurer (previously on this list) and Ning Li all making
claims about gravity reduction from a rotating field under a superconductor.

The point is that there are threads whough this technology and sometimes it
might be explain away as researcher B knowing about researcher A's claims,
but other times it seems that they are truly independent, no one would
assume that the Stan Deyo Wedding Cake design, the Ferlini design and the
Leedskalnin design would have been known likely known to each other or have
taken any part in their efforts/claims even if perhaps Ferlini might have
known of Leedskalnin's work for instance, the visual disturbance angle was
only mentioned more recently by an experimenter who tried to replicate
Leedskalnin's work, and he wouldn't have known of Ferlini as Ferlini is NOT
well known.

Interestingly the vanishing paper clip report where a kid energized a steel
loop antenna with a paperclip hanging in the center that someone left on
the Bill Beaty's site for reporting anomalies potentially fits as it has a
circular magnetic circuit with a break and a visual disturbance
(invisibility), BTW I have a fiend who is in contact with kid/man who did
this experiment.

And it is interesting is it not that magnetic materials, iron which has a
huge value for it's magnetic permeability when cut open can release an
"aetheric energy" that affects the index of reflection?
Does that not make a little too much sense to ignore?!

If the properties of the iron were being displaced into space, you could
see it as the "ghost" of the iron atoms being pushed out of the
iron/magnetic circuit much like Dr Strange is pushed out of his body, just
as many NDE/OBE's have people out of their body.

Why should ghosts just be for people?
My argument is that there is stuff in space that becomes disturbed by and
has a memetic property for the matter and the energy that disturbs it.
We can also look at how Homeopathic tinctures are made, they dilute yes,
but then they apply 'succession" which means whacking the bottle against a
firm surface that is just soft enough not to break the bottle.

The same effect has been seen in some tests of Inertial propulsion and
other situations where mass has been suddenly stopped, SOMETHiNG has been
propelled out of the matter as it hasn't stopped as willingly as matter.
Indeed I asked a specific claimant who had made an inertial propulsion
device that for argument's sake is similar to the Dean Drive and indeed
they confirmed that people had noticed just such a phenomena.

Even Einstein believed there was an Aether (just one one responsible for
the reference frame of light speed) and General Relativity requires it.
Actually the inflationary universe theory has moving space also.
Even though conventional science acknowledges the existence of many
"aethers" by various different names (seldom using that word) it is worth
noting that no one, not Einstein or anyone since has an explanation for how
the one way speed of light can be C in all frames of motion!

It is merely argued that the one way speed of light can't me measured, and
yet if we assume that Lorentz aEther Theory (LET) is correct then we get
the same essential predictions that Special Relativity (SR) makes, only we
don't have to accept ANY of the contradictions and paradoxes.   Light
doesn't magically travel at C relative to all observers in all inertial
frames (unless they drag their frame with them, and then only the light in
the area they drag) and what's more we can then actually measure the one
way speed of light, not easily but if there are prefered frames then we can
see where length is longest and time is fastest, this will give us our
stationary frame.

In addition, there is an easy way to measure the one way speed of light,
you simply need to synchronize your clocks in a reference frame that is
closer to the prefered frame than when you do the experiment with 2 clocks.
If the clocks are synchronized with a zero or 9relatively) low difference
in speed between the laboratory and the prefered frame then the
de-synchronization between them is zero or  (relatively) low.

If we then accelerate the laboratory (the clocks) to 99.99999995 of the
speed of light for arguments sake then the difference between the prefered
frame and the laboratory frame is huge, but we synchronized the clocks
without that large a degree of difference and now light goes MUCH faster in
one direction that the other according to our clocks synchronized in a
different frame.

It is also note-worthy that essentially instantaneous communication (at
least not affected by Doppler shift) between a party moving near light
speed and one presumed to be stationary IS possible.
It just requires that you communicate with someone you are passing by in
your spaceship, the window of time is tiny but not zero unless you go into
orbit around then you can be in constant and with huge G-forces near
instantaneous communication.

The point is that all he assumptions of Relativity fall apart and it is
kept together due to the reluctance to accept the existence of an aether
even though Noble Prize winning Physicist Frank Wilcze in his lecture music
of the void goes into detail about how matter itself seems to just be a
disturbance of space itself,just motion of "nothing" making something!  But
obviously it's just that we don't know what is moving.

This technology is of great importance and there is a real effort, maybe
even a non-human influence to dissuade us, consider how fast early progress
seems to have been made in this field, the World Fair I mentioned was in
Tesla's time, The research by Nazi's, a whole other can of worms, and
Tesla's and even evidence Marconi might have dabbled in this direction was
very early and things got shut down, both suppressed by those who have no
doubt developed the technology for themselves and also those who don't want
humanity at large to get this technology, there is ample reason to think
that there is ET involvement in back projects and the like, also it is
worth noting that freaky call to Art Bell when power was suddenly lost.

The point is that we have to consider that a lot has been opposing this
research at every turn!

And, ironically even a list named Vortex because, well I presume the hint
is so strong that all of this mysterious phenomena is related to vortices,
indeed very strange phenomena, impossible phenomena similar to the
Hutchison Effect has been witnessed from Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
But even this list isn't actually receptive to such subjects!

Thus it is no wonder that this doesn't go anywhere, there is just no
concerted effort, or, maybe more to the point there is a deafening silence
and disinterest!

Nothing should interest man more, has more promise and potential than this.
So why is there this resistance?

I guess I have to end this somewhere.


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