At 10:16 pm 15/03/2006 -0900, Horace wrote:

> "This ring means that three objects are entangled. 
> If you pick up any one of them, the other two will follow. 
> However, if you cut one of them off, the other two will 
> fall apart," Chin said. "There is something magic about 
> this number of three."
> "If you can create this kind of state out of any other type of  
> particle, it'll have exactly the same behavior," Chin said.

The article also goes on to say,

    Today, nanotechnology researchers can combine 
    atoms in novel ways to form materials with 
    interesting new properties, "but you are not 
    changing the fundamental interactions of these 
    atoms," Chin said. That can only be done at 
    temperatures near absolute zero. 
    "At the moment, I don't see how this can be 
    done at much higher temperatures," he said. 

I can.  8-)

Lowering the temperature is increasing the Compreture
pressure. Lowering the Beta-atmosphere pressure by 
the 12th power three dimensional Casimir action will
be the equivalent of increasing Compreture. 

> This is a cryogenic state, but one has to wonder 
> about the possibility of a similar state existing 
> in a lattice for a sufficient time to produce 
> multi-nuclear LENR.

One need wonder no longer.  8-) 

This is how Cold Fusion works as I explained in 
the Infinite Energy magazine article. Lowering 
temperature is increasing the numerator. Lowering
Beta-atmosphere pressure is decreasing the denominator.

Curiously enough, it literally is Cold Fusion -
bloody cold - or the Beta-atmosphere equivalent of
"bloody cold" to be exact.



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