Energy E for electrons or  positrons = 8.16e-14 joules
Lambda = hc/E = 2.436e-12 meters for electron & positron circles
eo = 8.85e-12 farad/meter
uo = 4(pi)e-7 henry/meter
C = eo*lambda = 2.155e-23 farad
L = uo*lambda = 3.06e-18 henry
Resonant frequency f = 1/(LC)^1/2 = 1.23e20 Hz
Cycle period t = 1/f = 8.13e-21 seconds
Zo = (L/C)^1/2 = 377 ohms
I = +/- q*f = 19.7 amperes
Potential V = (E/0.5C)^1/2 = 8.7e4 volts
Displacement current *I = C* dV/dt or V/Zo = 8.7e^4/Zo = 230.8 amperes
*I/I = 230.8/19.7 = 11.7 = (137.03)^1/2
ELI the ICE man at work here?
If due to the Zo the current leads the voltage by 89.5818 degrees instead of 90 degrees
alpha (0.00729729) = sin of 90 - 0.4181 = 89.5818 degrees.
Back to trig school.  :-)

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