Philip wrote..
"The indication for a steady increase in research funding is apparent across all science, except  CF"

>And at this critical point in time, one wonders why (without, of course, delving into conspiracy theories)...

Howdy Philip,
The article goes on the describe Dr. Ferrari as being a "charismatic scholar" and he is the author of the NCI $144 mil initiative.
In Texan speak, that means he was the guy that hustled up the money from Uncle Sugar via NCI.
The problem facing the CF initiative is the lack of a presence in D.C. The way the game is played, the money comes from Uncle Sugar, some is diverted to lobbyists that go back to the feed trough for more.. etc. We have a merry go round and we wind up watching the government fund the organizations that lobby. Tom DeLay was a piker.
The CF people either pony up some serious money for lobbyists to start the circle.. or keep standing outside looking in the windows of the candy store.


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